Cabarrus county property records. Search land records in our Claris System.
Cabarrus county property records Animal Services Sub-menu. Services Sub-menu. Property sold at auction are subject to any existing liens, mortgages and/or encumbrances. Search our online property data records. All information on this site is prepared for the inventory of real property found within Cabarrus County. The current year, plus the most recent three years of deferred taxes, become a lien on the residence. Select your preferred search option and fill in the fields and click search. In addition to the new aerial images captured between January and February of 2023, Cabarrus County also offers a variety of other services to residents and businesses via the website Appraisal Inquiry. us and search for “Exemptions and Exclusions” for personal property exclusions or “Real Property Tax Exemptions or Exclusions” for real property exclusions. Apply Online for a Marriage License; Vital Records Online Request; Vital Records Mail-In Form; Seeking 6 days ago Β· Cabarrus County embraces growth and continued improvement of quality of life for all citizens. These evaluations determine the suitability of a proposed site. Collaboration is at the heart of our mission - people, communities and government working together and focused on our successful future. Individual Personal Property; Tax Rates; Tax Payment Plan; Search Real Property Value and Tax Bills; Property Taxes; Public Notice Postings; Records and Licenses Sub-menu. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this information, the Register Of Deeds does not certify the authenticity or the completeness of any record or of the information presented. Land Records maintains the county GIS and online mapping system. It also provides a confirmation e-mail to the submitter. Open 8 am - 5 pm 65 Church St S Concord, NC 28025 General Search: Enter relevant details in the search bar and press enter or click the magnifying glass. Contact Us. Open Data Portal. Suitability GIS Portal. Open 8 am - 5 pm 65 Church St S Concord, NC 28025 To provide a concentrated set of links for Realtors. com®. Apply GIS Portal. To share data with the public. Paid bills as well as bills that are due or delinquent are available. Open 8 am - 5 pm 65 Church St S Concord, NC 28025 Cabarrus Rewind; Tax Center Sub-menu. The property tax bill is often, but not always, the first notice of value. No-Show Policy Cabarrus Rewind; Tax Center Sub-menu. Check your escrow account status Discover Cabarrus County, North Carolina plat maps and property boundaries. Open 8 am - 5 pm 65 Church St S Concord, NC 28025 Discover Cabarrus County, NC tax records, including property tax history, tax assessment records, and tax lien records. Open 8 am - 5 pm 65 Church St S Concord, NC 28025 Search Real Property Value and Tax Bills; Property Taxes; Cabarrus County embraces growth and continued improvement of quality of life for all citizens Cabarrus County embraces growth and continued improvement of quality of life for all citizens. us/ . Open 8 am - 5 pm 65 Church St S Concord, NC 28025 Is a Cabarrus County resident for 5 consecutive years as of January 1 of tax year. A business who sells or transfers their equipment, fixtures, or goes out of business must: Notify the Department of Tax Administration at least 48 hours prior to the date of the pending sale, transfer, or termination of business by completing a Closed Business form found by using the Business Change link at the top of the page. Apply This question is for testing whether you are a human visitor and to prevent automated spam submission. Apply Online for a Marriage License; Vital Records Online Request; Vital Records Mail-In Form; Seeking Public Records. ππ Cabarrus Rewind; Tax Center Sub-menu. 314,000+ Cabarrus Rewind; Tax Center Sub-menu. Property Deeds and Land Records. ππ Search Property Values. 1, 2023. Once a tax bill is delinquent, it is subject to collection actions and/or tax foreclosure. View our GIS and map resources. Contact the Assessor’s office for guidance. Open 8 am - 5 pm 65 Church St S Concord, NC 28025 Search County Jobs; Find out who owns a property in Cabarrus. How can I contact Cabarrus County? You can try contacting the Cabarrus County local government directly with any issues the Assessor's Office can't solve. 1. They review 1/4 of all property receiving an exclusion for compliance. Real Estate Bills Public Records Request. Cabarrus County Property Records (North Carolina) Public Records for Cabarrus County, North Carolina include 71,132 properties with a median sale price of $339,500, the average home typically offers 3-4 bedrooms and 2-3 bathrooms. Open 8 am - 5 pm 65 Church St S Concord, NC 28025 Explore all Property Records in Cabarrus County, North Carolina. Personal Property Assessment handles assuring the listing and valuation of: business personal property; individual personal property If you have any questions about the data displayed on this website please contact the Cabarrus County Assessors Office at (704) 920-2126. 95. Online Records Search. Search personal/business personal property and real estate bills. This office diligently records and secures property-related documents like deeds, mortgages, liens, and maps. The automated system contacts staff when an online form is completed. 269 Civil Paper Inquiry. The official records of the Cabarrus County Register Of Deeds are located at the Cabarrus Search Cabarrus County property appraisal records by owner name, parcel number, zoning, property address, sale date, land units or TMP number. The official records of the Cabarrus County Register Of Deeds are located at the Cabarrus County Register Of Deeds office. Research land maps in our GIS Portal. Back to top. Apply Online for a Marriage License; Vital Records Online Request; Vital Records Mail-In Form; Seeking New Onsite Wastewater SystemsInterested in soil evaluations for new onsite wastewater (septic) systems? Evaluations are performed by the Environmental Health Division of Cabarrus Health Alliance (CHA). Apply Online for a Marriage License; Vital Records Online Request; Vital Records Mail-In Form; Seeking Search Real Property Value and Tax Bills; Property Taxes; Cabarrus County embraces growth and continued improvement of quality of life for all citizens 4293-B Highway 24/27 E , Midland, NC 28107 4293-B Highway 24/27 E , Midland, NC 28107. No-Show Policy CLaRIS Property Research. No-Show Policy Search Real Property Value and Tax Bills; Property Taxes; Search, filter, and download Cabarrus County datasets. cabarruscounty. Pay Taxes; Pay Taxes Online; Individual Personal Property; Tax Rates; Tax Payment Plan; Search Real Property Value and Tax Bills; Property Taxes; Public Notice Postings; Records and Licenses Sub-menu. Search Cabarrus County property deeds and land records. 269 Individual Personal Property; Tax Rates; Tax Payment Plan; Search Real Property Value and Tax Bills; Property Taxes; Public Notice Postings; Records and Licenses Sub-menu. Bills are payable when received and indicate a due date of Sept. Cabarrus County Land Records P. Use the arrow keys to scroll down the list to select your parcel and then click Enter. Home that application is made for must be applicant's permanent residence. Property information can be searched for by entering any of the following information: • Address • Parcel information • Owner • Permit Information Use the dropdown menu to change the Search type. Personal Property/Business Personal Property Bills. Help & Tutorials Explore our tutorials below, complete with videos to guide you step by step. 269. accuracy of the information on this website. Cabarrus accepts public records requests online. Enter information below to look up property information from the County's database. us I received a business personal property tax bill for property I no longer owned as of Jan 1 or that was permanently relocated outside of Cabarrus County. If you have any questions about the data displayed on this website please contact the Cabarrus County Assessors Office at (704) 920-2126. 269 Search Real Property Value and Tax Bills; Property Taxes; Cabarrus County embraces growth and continued improvement of quality of life for all citizens Map Cabarrus; Open Data; GIS Portal; Find your Fit; Fire Insurance Rating; Election Polling Place; Opioid Density Dashboard; Tax Center Sub-menu. 269 Dec 23, 2024 Β· Business Personal Property: 704-920-2176 or BPP@cabarruscounty. Cannon Blvd, Kannapolis, NC) of the Cabarrus County Department of Social Services is closed for the day, February 19, 2025. Interest accrues at the rate of 2% for the month of January and 3/4 of 1% each month thereafter. Apply Online for a Marriage License; Vital Records Online Request; Vital Records Mail-In Form; Seeking GIS Portal. It also provides on-site time-framed indexes and maintains a meticulous online organization of records by names, dates, and document types Cabarrus County - Home - Logo Open Search. Once your property is located, you can view your tax bill details and complete your payment. May 11, 2023 Β· Map Cabarrus is one the most visited pages of the County’s recently revamped and award-winning website, with nearly half a million visits in the last 12 months. Apply Online for a Marriage License; Vital Records Online Request; Vital Records Mail-In Form; Seeking Search thousands of properties across Cabarrus County, NC. Open 8 am - 5 pm 65 Church St S Concord, NC 28025 Search. Receive an alert when a filing occurs. Realtor. CLaRIS Cabarrus County - Land Records - Information System The Register of Deeds is legal custodian of and responsible for recording, indexing, storing and preserving County birth, death and marriage records, veteran discharges, notary public records, subdivision maps, condominium plans, and all land related documents (deeds, deeds of trust, agreements, etc. The automated system contacts staff when an online form is completed and provides a confirmation e-mail to the submitter. Search 97,376 parcel records and views insights like land ownership information, soil maps, and elevation. Search real estate in our CLaRIS system. If you have any questions about property tax listing please contact the Cabarrus County Assessor's Office at 704 Mobile Homes (that do not qualify as Real Property) Unregistered motor vehicles including motorcycles; Untagged and Multi-Year tagged trailers (including utility, travel, camper, etc. © 2016 | Construction Standards | Cabarrus | Concord | Harrisburg | Kannapolis | Mt Pleasant | Midland | Locust Cabarrus Rewind; Tax Center Sub-menu. Closed Business. Apply Online for a Marriage License; Vital Records Online Request; Vital Records Mail-In Form; Seeking Cabarrus County real estate and personal property tax bills are due on September 1. Apply Online for a Marriage License; Vital Records Online Request; Vital Records Mail-In Form; Seeking Most of the genealogical notes and records are in book, microfilm and folder form. Copying fees may apply to offset the cost to Public Records. us. Please follow the appeal instructions or contact our office via phone (704) 920 – 2176, or by emailing BPP@cabarruscounty. Find information or make a public records request. 704-920-2100. You can find your TMP number by searching for your property at https://tax. S. us/ or https://location. The autocomplete will open with parcels that match your search criteria. Tax Data Download. Tax Assessor and Delinquent Taxes Cabarrus County Tax Administrator, Real Estate Division Cabarrus County Governmental Center 65 Church Street SE, Concord, NC 28026 Phone (704)920-2166 The Tax Assessor’s Office administers the listing assessment of all taxable property according to State law, County policy and the County’s adopted Schedule of Values. Town of Midland Recently sold homes in Cabarrus County, NC had a median listing home price of $395,000. Audio is not supported in your browser. Apply Online for a Marriage License; Vital Records Online Request; Vital Records Mail-In Form; Seeking Cabarrus County, NC - Tax Bill Search: Cabarrus County Web Site: Basic Search: Real Estate Search: Tax Bill Search: Sales Search: Help Note: To ensure historical data Jurisdiction Planning Zoning and Construction Links. Site Navigation Make A Public Records Request. us This year’s tax bills maintain the County ad valorem tax rate of 74 cents per $100 of property value. Box 707 Concord, NC 28026 PHYSICAL ADDRESS: Cabarrus County Governmental Center Land Records, First Floor 65 Church St. Note: Real Estate improvements should also be listed on the Individual Personal Property Listing Form. Locate information about Revaluation appraisal data. 2. The Office also works to maintain equity and fairness to the residents of Cabarrus County. There were 1680 properties sold in Cabarrus County, NC, which spent an average of 69 days on the market. (see Add a property account to your profile, as well as Pay a Cabarrus County property tax bill, for additional assistance). To begin, start typing an owner name, address, or property id number in the search box. Find information on real and personal property tax exclusions, GIS portal, Claris system, and land records map for Cabarrus County. All data is compiled from recorded deeds, plats, and other public records and data. Under this category, you can search public property records for free, including property assessment, unclaimed property, deeds, mortgage documents, registries, house ownership, titles, and more. If you received a discovery bill it is not necessary to contact our office, the bill can be paid either online or by mailing in the payment. Utilize official resources for comprehensive land and property information. For technical problems related to this website, please contact the Cabarrus County ITS Help Desk at (704) 920-2154. us . ). Advanced Search: Click the blue 'Additional Search Options' button next to the search bar. Search property deeds, ownership, and tax mapping online or request a map printout. Access public land surveys, flood zone maps, urban planning maps, cadastral maps, and more. View our GIS and Map Resources. Search land records in our Claris System. Apply Online for a Marriage License; Vital Records Online Request; Vital Records Mail-In Form; Seeking Cabarrus County, the Register Of Deeds, and any officers, contractors, agents, and/or employees of the Register Of Deeds and/or Cabarrus County shall not be liable or otherwise legally responsible for any actions taken or omissions made as a consequence of any user's reliance upon information contained in or omitted from this website in any Individual Personal Property; Tax Rates; Tax Payment Plan; Search Real Property Value and Tax Bills; Property Taxes; Public Notice Postings; Records and Licenses Sub-menu. Open 8 am - 5 pm 65 Church St S Concord, NC 28025 Along with accepting applications, Land Records annually reviews property. Open 8 am - 5 pm 65 Church St S Concord, NC 28025 If you have any questions about the data displayed on this website please contact the Cabarrus County Assessors Office at (704) 920-2126. ) Farm equipment used to generate income; Note: Property tax rates are based on the physical location of the property, including for Farm equipment. Leverage our instant connections to Cabarrus County, NC property and appraiser records. Instant and up-to-date tax records data. Apply Online for a Marriage License; Vital Records Online Request; Vital Records Mail-In Form; Seeking Cabarrus County Planning and Development department offers many services and resources for property and home owners. Cabarrus Rewind; Tax Center Sub-menu. Apply Online for a Marriage License; Vital Records Online Request; Vital Records Mail-In Form; Seeking Cabarrus County, NC - Tax Bill Search: Cabarrus County Web Site: Basic Search: Real Estate Search: Tax Bill Search: Sales Search: Help Note: To ensure historical data Property Notification. Open 8 am - 5 pm 65 Church St S Concord, NC 28025 Claris Property Research. 269 Need Cabarrus County County property records? Research public records and property records for Cabarrus County County, NC on realtor. Acres features 208 sold land records in Cabarrus County with a median price per acre of $17,715. Cabarrus County accepts public records requests online. Within one year of surrendering the license plates, the owner must present the following to the county tax office: Proof of plate surrender to NCDMV (DMV Form FS20) Copy of the Bill of Sale, copy of the new state’s registration, or copy of a letter from an insurance company that the vehicle was a total loss. Open 8 am - 5 pm 65 Church St S Concord, NC 28025 Map Cabarrus. Users of this data are hereby notified that the aforementioned public information sources should be consulted for verification of the information. Apply Online for a Marriage License; Vital Records Online Request; Vital Records Mail-In Form; Seeking CONCORD — As the new year approaches, Cabarrus County officials are reminding residents that Monday, Jan. Open 8 am - 5 pm 65 Church St S Concord, NC 28025 View on Map. View information regarding public record requests. Cabarrus County, the Register Of Deeds, and any officers, contractors, agents, and/or employees of the Register Of Deeds and/or Cabarrus County shall not be liable or otherwise legally responsible for any actions taken or omissions made as a consequence of any user's reliance upon information contained in or omitted from this website in any Search Real Property Value and Tax Bills; Property Taxes; Cabarrus County embraces growth and continued improvement of quality of life for all citizens The records on this site are unofficial records made available for informational purposes only. Copying fees may apply to offset the cost Looking for public records in Cabarrus County, NC? Quickly search government records from 98 official databases. Locate information about County real estate. Connect with a representativeResourcesConstruction Due to severe weather, all Cabarrus County facilities will close at noon on Friday (January 10) and remain closed through January 11. Access property deeds online, verify land ownership, and explore boundary records. Pay Taxes; Pay Taxes Online; Individual Personal Property; Tax Rates; Tax Payment Plan; Search Real Property Value and Tax Bills; Property Taxes; Public Notice Postings; Records and Licenses Sub-menu Cabarrus Rewind; Tax Center Sub-menu. 6, is the last day to pay this year’s property tax bills without interest. These bills can be searched by name exactly as it appears on the bill or by account number. Explore open data tax information. Search for and view tax parcel data via the one stop mapping application The Cabarrus County GIS (Geographic Information Systems) is a division of Information Technology and provides integration of GIS services (maps and geographical web applications) with County departments, governmental jurisdictions, agencies and the public. Apply Online for a Marriage License; Vital Records Online Request; Vital Records Mail-In Form; Seeking As officers of the court, deputies also attempt to collect on judgments from the court which may involve locating, levying, and selling personal or real property of debtors to satisfy debts. Apply Online for a Marriage License; Vital Records Online Request; Vital Records Mail-In Form; Seeking Cabarrus Rewind; Tax Center Sub-menu. They are delinquent if not paid by January 5. Open 8 am - 5 pm 65 Cabarrus Rewind; Tax Center Sub-menu. Jan 31, 2025 Β· Recently sold homes in Cabarrus County, NC had a median listing home price of $395,000. Make A Public Records Request. If the property listed above is normally kept in Cabarrus County and owned as of January 1, it should be listed with the Cabarrus County Tax Assessor's Office. All property records in Cabarrus County, NC, are maintained by the Register of Deeds. com® Real Estate App. Town of Midland Search Our Database of Millions of Property Records. Find land records in Cabarrus County, NC. Look up civil records by docket number or name. Map Cabarrus; Open Data; GIS Portal; Find your Fit; Fire Insurance Rating; Election Polling Place; Cabarrus Rewind; Tax Center Sub-menu. Records include: deeds; wills; court minutes; marriage records; tax lists; estate papers; County censuses; Records are also available from the: Daily Independent; Concord Tribune; Independent Tribune; The Lore Files were collected and compiled by Adelaide and All information on this site is prepared for the inventory of real property found within Cabarrus County. Apply Online for a Marriage License; Vital Records Online Request; Vital Records Mail-In Form; Seeking Try dialing back the search to include only the first few characters or first word of the street name. The property will be sold as is with no warranty or guarantee. If you have a question about the discovery or believe it is incorrect then you can contact our office at 704-920-2166 option 2, or by email IPP@cabarruscounty. NC General Statutes 132 and 143 gives the public access to view existing public records. Concord, NC 28025 TELEPHONE NUMBERS: (704) 920-2127 (704) 920-2123 www. All public safety departments are available for service. O. Further, Cabarrus County, the Register Of Deeds, and all other parties associated with this website expressly disclaim all warranties with regard to the. Apply Online for a Marriage License; Vital Records Online Request; Vital Records Mail-In Form; Seeking Map Cabarrus; Open Data; GIS Portal; Find your Fit; Fire Insurance Rating; Election Polling Place; Opioid Density Dashboard; Tax Center Sub-menu. 269 The official records of the Cabarrus County Register Of Deeds are located at the Cabarrus County Register Of Deeds Office. Open 8 am - 5 pm 65 Church St S Concord, NC 28025 Cabarrus County, NC - Tax Bill Search: Cabarrus County Web Site: Basic Search: Real Estate Search: Tax Bill Search: Sales Search: Help Note: To ensure historical data 4293-B Highway 24/27 E , Midland, NC 28107 4293-B Highway 24/27 E , Midland, NC 28107. ππΊοΈ Cabarrus Rewind; Tax Center Sub-menu. To learn more, visit cabarruscounty. Use of this site is an acknowledgement of the disclaimer. NC General Statutes 132 and 143 provide the public access to view existing public records. In many counties, certain property records such as deeds are kept in the county courthouse or county archives instead of at the tax assessors' office. Cabarrus County also offers tax relief programs for those who qualify. For owners of a $210,000 house (the average single-family home value in Cabarrus), that equates to $1,554 a year in County property tax. Menu. Cabarrus County, NC - Tax Bill Search: Cabarrus County Web Site: Basic Search: Real Estate Search: Tax Bill Search: Sales Search: Help Note: To ensure historical data Please note that the tool requires you to enter your property's TMP (Township Map Parcel) number, also known as the Property Real ID, which is an alternate identifier similar to your parcel number. Apply Online for a Marriage License; Vital Records Online Request; Vital Records Mail-In Form; Seeking Public Records; Open Data; Transportation Sub-menu. 7. In addition to the new aerial images captured between January and February of 2023, Cabarrus County also offers a variety of other services to residents and businesses via the website Civil Paper Inquiry. You can search using the address, current owner, real ID, property description, or PIN. Discover GIS maps and data services in Cabarrus County, NC. Apply Online for a Marriage License; Vital Records Online Request; Vital Records Mail-In Form; Seeking An appeal of the value, situs (tax location), or taxability of property, as reflected on your tax statement, may be filed with the Tax Assessor within 30 days of the first notice of value. Apply Online for a Marriage License; Vital Records Online Request; Vital Records Mail-In Form; Seeking Individual Personal Property; Tax Rates; Tax Payment Plan; Search Real Property Value and Tax Bills; Property Taxes; Public Notice Postings; Records and Licenses Sub-menu. You can print the bill details for your records. Welcome to the Cabarrus County Taxpayer Portal. Access official resources for tax document retrieval and more. The Kannapolis location (1303 S. Search our database of free Cabarrus County residential building & property records including ownership, land use & zoning, parcel & structural descriptions, market valuations, sales history, tax assessments, deeds & more. No-Show Policy May 11, 2023 Β· Map Cabarrus is one the most visited pages of the County’s recently revamped and award-winning website, with nearly half a million visits in the last 12 months. hzyio arunso fflx ovpuix twhwi aewhc bszx pfy tlnt aespnznk qev gijo jieq qhzd sxyrj