Best book you ever read. They can be horrible, great, or .
Best book you ever read Writing about your favorite book sounds like an exciting assignment. Mine is hands down Vita Nostra by Marina and Sergey Dyachenko. Why should you read Anna Karenina? Even though it isn’t without its darkness, it’s also a beautifully written book about renewal and rebirth. So, I browsed through the subreddit r/books and parsed Reading time is limited, so choose your reading material wisely. You either like it or are quite the tricky communicator. If you haven’t yet read this book, you MUST. 1: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Harry Potter, #7) by. Because the writing is so good, it immediately builds the imagery in your mind and those images are difficult to let go. Not the greatest technically or objectively, just want to know what personally attached you to this book. I absolutely loved"The Last Unicorn", by Peter S. A shorter, but most excellent, book is The Life of Pi, I just finished it. If, like me, you find it hard to pick the absolute best, then any book that you really enjoyed. She also did a followup "How I Wrote the Moth Essay and Why" that might actually be better. And that’s why we have put together a no-miss list: The Top 10 Books to Read Before You Die. Soft spot for Ayn Ran ever since, beliefs aside. My top three reads The Will, Kristen Ashley Any book certain people don’t want you to read is a book you must read. Heinlein - The government system in this book led me to look at government systems around the world in ways I never had before. So, I created a poll where people can vote for their favorite book as well as add suggestions to the list. I have no idea what the best piece of literature would be. ) We both grew up with Philip Pullman’s books and still love them, so it was a fairly easy choice. (before) => I have never read such a good novel before-> Dùng thì Hiện tại hoàn thành (vì có before) -> Cấu trúc: This is the best + N + S + have/has + (ever) + V => S + have/has + never + V + such + a good + N + before. But i am so desperate for a new good read i am IMPLORING this community to help me out. This is the first Stephen King book I ever read as a young girl. They can be horrible, great, or Great question. You can see the top 100 in the correct order by clicking on my votes, though. Yes, the trilogy is written for children, but – like The Hobbit – it’s a work of genius. I loved the book and even though it was a 1000+ pages it felt like such a quick read. I don't know whether this is truly the most beautiful book I've ever read, but the book that popped into my mind when I read your post was A Fine And Private Place, by Peter S. “A Tree Grows in Brooklyn is a 1943 semi-autobiographical novel written by Betty Smith. I agree with Andrea, by the way: There is a massive difference between 'read' and 'remember anything about', which is why I haven't counted a few books I've already read (borrowed them years ago during my secondary school days), as these are now on my 'to read' list because I All the books on the list "100 Must-Read Classics, as Chosen by our Readers" from Penguin (UK). One of the most horrific books I've ever read, for more reasons than just the descriptions of terrible deaths in trench warfare, but just the genuine loss of innocence all the characters experience, especially after learning the character is based on the authors own experiences “A Column of Fire”. Everyone has read Their Eyes Are Watching God, but most tend not to go too much deeper than that, which is a shame. 99 or even more value if you don’t have long to live. Catch-22 by Joseph Heller. It’s one of my most favourite books! I have re read good omens like a million times only to still find the same jokes funny especially conversations between Aziraphel On top of the excellent writing the concept of Timshel is one of the greatest existential statements Ive ever read in fiction. W. The Alchemist is a classic novel in which a boy named Santiago embarks on a Posted by u/riaz789078 - 87 votes and 273 comments I want you to tell me what is the best book you have read and its genre so that I can be inspired too, it can also be series of books. Time critics Lev Grossman and Richard Lacayo pick the 100 best English-language novels from 1923 to the present. If you haven't read any of his other books, you definitely should. They can be horrible, great, or War and Peace and Moby-Dick are seriously good books if you can handle the length. message 2: by ~☆~Autumn (new) Jun 16, 2015 08:39PM. Looking forward to your suggestions and insights. Magical realism meets post-Soviet Russian boarding school and if you think you have an idea forming in your head, trust me, you don't. It's been awhile since I read a book like that. I'll get back to you after I read every book ever written:) Great question. The book was incredibly long, but The Best Book ever is Watchman Nee’s “The Normal Christian Life”a book that was taken from his spoken ministry. Do I think it's the best piece of literature ever? Obviously not. The first 1/3 may be the best thing I have ever read but I loved the book all the way through and it went to top of my favorite book list. I got the two of them crammed down my throat in a college lit class. More Influence, New and Expanded is Dr. Speaking of Dawkins, The Ancestor's Tale is also really good. 4. Haddon invites readers to see the world through another’s eyes in this captivating mystery novel with a twist that instantly became one of the must-read books of the 21st-century. R. For instance, you may struggle to balance your personal opinions It’s a book of superlatives: It’s the smartest, stupidest, most sacred, most profane, most profound, phantasmagoric, lyrical, direct, demanding, rewarding book I’ve ever read. "Some of the most memorable characters in literature" is the primary reason people pick The Lord of the Rings over the competition. The Hunger Games – Suzanne Collins Sherlock Holmes stories (classical detective stories) if you'd like them I'm pretty sure your would like short stories amautor cracksman or gentleman thiefe by E. Everest disaster of the mid-1990s. It's so strange that people seem to be obsessed with or loathe Seen It is a new app from the creators of List Challenges. I recently started reading books on self improvement. Krakauer is a fantastic writer. We asked and more than 200 of you answered! Here is the full list of our UQ community's favourite books of all time: 12 Edmondstone Street by David Malouf ; 1984 by George Orwell (x3 votes) A What are the best books you've ever read? flag. Vagabonding is perhaps the only travel guide you’ll ever need. Anything I have ever read from the Japanese modernist writer Akutagawa, most notably the short stories Rashomon, In a Bamboo Grove, Spinning Gears, Spider's Thread, and Hell Screen. The other Classic books such as all books by Martyn Lloyd Jones and many other better It features 39 top books to read in popular categories, such as fiction, business, personal development, travel, and more. Thank Read This Next is a guide to more than 500 great books, many of which you have not yet read. Edit: Link Edit 2 - An exerpt: . The novel examines racism OK so this question is rigged because there are about 70 books I could list as "the best book I've ever read. Read the article about how the list was chosen, but in short, it was not purely crowd-sourced from subscribers. I've read it ten times subsequently, still discovering new subtleties in the narrative, still crying in shock and bewilderment even after all this time. My grandmother was reading his books as they came out. J wrote: "If you can't find a copy of Geek Love, I have one at home that you can have. There was only one catch and that was Catch-22, that specified that a concern for one's own safety in the face of dangers that were real and immediate was the process of a rational mind. Rowling. Also, I notice the everyday occurrences of those Catch 22's Starship Troopers by Robert A. " It's so dependent on when I read them and the way they made me feel at the time. To mention only a few, Timothy Zahn books never miss (we can thank him for creating Thrawn). Organize your Books using Lists & the Reading Log. Every twist and turn in the book will keep you on your toes as you smile from ear to ear while reading. I've read some really good books but nothing spectacular. And readers be warned, this book is NOT for the faint of heart! Most Amazing Books You Will Ever Read Everyone should read! flag All Never Go With Your Gut: How Pioneering Leaders Make the Best Decisions and Avoid Business Disasters by. This week, Leslie Jamison and James Parker discuss supposedly terrible books that left a lasting impression. Please share the best non-fiction book you've ever read and tell me why it made such an impression on you. Couldn’t put it down So good "Only Book I’ve Ever Called Out Of Work To Read" — 14 Of The Best Books That People Have Ever Read "One of the most captivating books I’ve ever fallen into. You just made my day! Thank you so much for this. (On average, 481. Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut is a good read for a 19-year-old (if you haven't read it already). I don't know if this is well known or not, I had no clue, but once I found that out SO MUCH of that book made so much more sense 656 books based on 220 votes: The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins, City of Bones by Cassandra Clare, City of Glass by Cassandra Clare, Harry Potter and t Fantasy: The Curse of Chalion and The Paladin of Souls, by Lois McMaster Bujold; Lord of the Rings, by JRR Tolkien Magical realism: One Hundred Years of Solitude, by Gabriel Garcia Marquez (the best book I've ever read) Fiction: A The Book Thief is my favorite book by far. Go Gator and the Muddy Water contains a great deal of Hurston’s writing from the Politics and war, science and sports, memoir and biography - there's a great big world of nonfiction books out there just waiting to be read. The best book I’ve ever What novel has the best pure STORY you’ve ever read? This might be different than your favorite book or what you think is the best book. Anthony Hulse (Goodreads Author) 4. It actually set the foundation for me to Ever thought about what you might wish you’d done differently? When we look back, it’s often the stories we didn’t hear, the ideas we didn’t discover, that nag at us. The author stretches this a bit too much and comes to the point only towards the end few chapters. Try the virtual Library Explorer. Particularly: What you loved about it What was the hook that kept you reading at every spare moment What characters you fell in love with, and why. 16 The Year of It may be because I just read it this month, but a few weeks back I finished The Stand by Stephen King. This page is powered by a knowledgeable community that helps you make an Edit: This book was top of mind for me because, though I read it a couple of years ago, and have given it as a gift, I just picked up my very own copy from a book sale for the grand total of TWO DOLLARS and I was unreasonably excited about it. I know it. So we asked our readers to tell us about their favourite classic books. In the interest of ranking by quality, not mere popularity: EDIT: Make sure you get the audio book by R. List of 100 best books of all time, as voted on by 100 writers in 54 different countries. Basically if you're a parent, buy it for your kids to read and then you can read it too, and if you're not a parent Read it anyway. Mine would be Count of Monte Cristo. I was looking for suggestions on reddit when I started thinking there must be an easier way to get a list of the best books. It’s such a beautiful book in every way and I absolutely loved reading it. You'll probably Recently saw a post on r/Fantasy recommending books featuring Weird Cities and it got me curious, what's the weirdest book you've ever read overall?. Likely no one has heard of this book, but it is a wonderful read. Translated into 44 languages, it has captivated a Based on these three criteria, we’ve selected the 14 best finance books for you to read. We pick the 100 best and most influential written in English since 1923, the beginning of TIMEmagazine. Bray, not by Wil Wheaton. Tolkien, Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen, Animal Farm by George Or Reader's Digest published an article (last updated 2024) titled 100 Best Books of All Time. life. I couldn’t put it down. Harper Lee, believed to be one of the most influential authors to have ever existed, famously published only a single novel (up until its controversial sequel was published in 2015 just before her death). Learn what makes these books globally loved and widely read. I liked Project Hail Mary, David Sederaris comedy books, Kurt Vonnegut's slaughter house 5, ya books, Harry Potter etc. 62 avg rating — 3,932,823 ratings. from the website: Everyone loves a classic novel, but where to start? From Jane Austen to Charles Dickens, Toni Morrison to Fyodor Dostoevsky, the fiction canon is so vast you can easily get lost in it. Be part of the world’s largest community of book lovers on Goodreads. 146 books based on 93 votes: 1984 by George Orwell, The Lord of the Rings by J. Have you ever got that feeling and what book was it? EDIT: Wow, what a way to wake up! I'm currently reading 'Arsène Lupin, Gentleman-Thief' by Maurice Leblanc (Which is really fun), but I've got some good suggestions what to read next! This book has one of the best opening chapters I’ve ever read. I plan to continue the tradition and read them to my future children, the world is much better place with Wodehouse. But in between this Graves would later go on to write I, Claudius, a novel of the Roman Empire that is considered one of the greatest books ever written. Livie wrote: "I'd take down The Book Thief and Khaled Hosseini's stuff. In college, I did a bunch of research on Florida writers, and I became enamored with Zora Neale Hurston. If none of that sways you, its protagonist is one of the biggest badasses of all time. Especially if you tend to read the way I do, visually imagining everything as if you’re simultaneously reading and watching the book as a movie. Multiply that by 481, and you get a lifetime of value for just $14. Backed up by his 35 years of scientific research, Cialdini describes seven practicable principles of influence you I absolutely loved"The Last Unicorn", by Peter S. I'm especially interested in fiction, I don't read non-fiction. Won a Pulitzer Prize, and was a major contribution to Hemingway winning a Nobel Prize. It has some mature themes and some darkness but never to the point where its inappropriate for kids. 33. Choose from best sellers and new releases. Feel free to add your own books to the list too! flag All Votes Add Books To This List. The staff made the final selection, and ranking (see article for original ranking). Hãy giúp mọi người biết câu trả lời này thế nào? A supernatural horror thriller for readers of Chuck Palahniuk (Lullaby and Haunted: A Novel), Marisha Pessl,(Night Film), and Scarlett Thomas (The End of Mr. The narration being told from the point of death is one of the most unique things I've ever seen in my life that draws me in every time it is so hauntingly and wonderfully descriptive. " by Elizabeth Cotton. There are so many great Star Wars novels and comics I've read over the years. Lusty love affair or best All the books on the list "The Top 10: The Greatest Books of All Time" from The Top 10 (Book). Looking across my favorite books, I've noticed a trend of high ratings for high wit, so I'm looking for more books that excel in dialog. Gleb Tsipursky (Goodreads Author) 4. Most magical thing ever to make a child think that there is even a sliver of possibility it’s real 😁 Reply reply more replies. But every once is a while, you finish a book that speaks to you in such a profound way that makes you think everyone else should read it. So on that note, it's a tie between The Neverending Story and The Magicians (the series as a whole). Under the Banner of Heaven is my second favorite (after Into Thin Air). The two most common questions on book forums are usually “what is the best book you ever read?” & “what is the worst book you ever read?”. I'm a huge fan of this book, and I have found a couple of others similar in style (though not plot). The top books have the best positive reviews and the greatest number of votes as the best book of all time on Goodreads. There are some obvious answers -- Moby-Dick, any one of half a dozen books by Nabokov (my vote goes to Speak, Memory), or maybe something experimental and modernish, like To the Lighthouse, or Light in August, or or or. Robert B. The book ends with America entering the war after Pearl Harbor. more replies. Every single short story I have read from him has left me with a deeper impression than most novels I've read, he was truly a master of the genre. he also attempts to understand why his wife left and if she will ever return. The advice is as sound as when Marcus gave it to himself 2,000 years Without a doubt, one of the best political fanfics I've ever read, though I did not appreciate it at the time. I don’t see why anyone shouldn’t read this. Grand Central Publishing/Hachette Book Group. This is a must read This might be the best book I've ever read. Grammar isn’t perfect or anything but it’s close to my heart because I absolutely loved it at the time and have re-read it over and over again) The Boy Who Sneaks into my Bedroom Window at night (might have been renamed but also is now a book irl) I knew just from reading the synopsis that I would love this book but I had no idea that it would gain a coveted spot as one of the best books I’ve ever read (quite possibly THE best book I’ve ever read). The novel is a blend of historical fiction and The best book I’ve ever read is probably In Search of Lost Time (Ulysses is a close second). Each week in Bookends, two writers take on questions about the world of books. If you read my latest post about the best books I read in 2022, you'll know that I am a firm believer that books will hit different based on your season of life. Sharp Teeth. It’s not my favourite book I’ve ever read, but I feel it’s the “best” because it affected me the most. com. I would definitely recommend it or if you want the story but don’t want to read it there is a film with Colin Firth in which is really good too! Favorite Quote “When you want something, all the universe conspires to help you achieve it. It’s a haunting book and it’s been on my mind ever since I I just read this book a few days ago and watched the new Netflix adaptation on Netflix. " then come on. As for Powell, I read the book when I was on a mission from God to read all the books I hadn’t previously read from the Modern Library’s 100 Best Novels list. FOREVER AND EVER by. I’m talking STORY (or TALE) precisely. Here's a list of the best marketing books to read: Scientific Advertising; Breakthrough Advertising; The Copy Book; Play Bigger; It was the first marketing book I ever read, and was gifted to me by a former manager when I was a marketing intern. Horning. It's good, but I think it gets a little overhyped. The whole book focuses on a brief sliver of Churchill’s amazing life: the blitz. Whether it's a thought-provoking history book, a mind-bending science book, a gripping true-crime story, or any other genre of non-fiction, I'm open to all suggestions. Apparently, King actually wrote this story for his daughter — and although it is written with children in mind, there is still a It had just the right amount of absurdity to keep me thoroughly entertained the whole way through. Go Gator and the Muddy Water by Zora Neale Hurston. Find and read more books you’ll love, and keep track of the books you want to read. Just what is the best book YOU ever read. 1: The Hunger Games (The Hunger Games #1) by. The Republic Commando series is iconic, as is Darth Plagueis. Best "easy-to-read" book you ever read? I need books that don't have a lot of dense dialogue or fancy words just for the sake of it because it bores me. Beagle. My mom bought it for me for Christmas when I was ten - Truly, the greatest investment she ever made for me. It’s what got me in to Vonnegut. This must-read book provides The best book ever is probably one I read during my childhood - quite possibly The Enchanted Wood by Enid Blyton or The Rilloby Fair Mystery (also by Blyton) because of the number of times I re-read them! However, in recent years, it has to be The Go-Between by LP Hartley. The Paladin Protocol by SapceAnJL (TBBT). My favorite book is probably Borges’s Collected Fiction. The Top 10 book chosen by 125 top writers from the book "The Top 10" edited by J. Narrated by Christopher John Francis Boone, a 15-year old with autism, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time is the story of the night that Christopher finds a dead dog — and the fallout. score: 290, and 3 people voted why are four of the top five books here widely read? reply | flag. 34 avg rating — 9,308,229 ratings. For me, if I had to choose the first book that comes to mind is The Return of the Native by Thomas Hardy which is one of my all-time favorite books. Selected by the Guardian’s Review team and a panel of expert judges, this list includes only novels – no memoirs, no short stories, no long poems – from any decade and in any language. When you read them you just feel like you are at home, and all is right with the world. I also enjoyed "Fahrenheit 451", by Ray Bradbury. Cat’s Cradle was the first Vonnegut book I read. The Smartest Investment Book You'll Ever Read is incredibly useful in two ways: 1) clearing away the opaque financial Tell us what you've enjoyed in the past, or what you're looking for, and let the community suggest a book (or books) for you to read! Members Online • If you like true-life adventures, one of the best thrillers I ever read was Into Thin Air by Jon Krakauer. I think back to the books fairly often, including when pondering It was even better a second time, as Nabokov wrote in that book, good readers don't read a book, they reread a book, or something like that, anyway, after I read it he starts out with this bombshell: Proust was gay. So we decided the best way to rank the best books of all time, would be to use Goodreads and Amazon ratings and reviews. It is a story that combines varies known facts about white women captured by the Native Americans (BTW, 'Indian', is what they prefer to be called, now). The Greatest Books Authors; Lists All Lists; The Global Canon; The Greatest Books of the 21st Century making it a challenging yet thought-provoking read. List reflects works from multiple countries, cultures and time periods. To reading "Bad Some of the best-known authors of classic literature wrote more than a century ago, including Mary Shelley, Daniel Defoe and Miguel de Cervantes, who penned the oldest book on the list. If you love advantures you can read Jules Verne novels. Every superlative I’d ever read or heard about these two books is true. Edit: God, how many good recommendations I received!! I have read some of them, and I have already started to make a paper list of the rest. It’s the story of the Mt. Losing myself in a book. In this post, we’ve put together a list of the 25 best psychology books you’ll want to read to 14 books based on 14 votes: All Quiet on the Western Front by Erich Maria Remarque, A Compassionate Guide For Social Robots by Marcel Heerink, Flowers fo Easy Read Fiction Books; Top 3 Books; Book Club Recommendations; Mystery Books For Light Reading; Popular Sci-Fi Books; Mystery Thriller Books; Best Kindle Unlimited Books 2022; Best Sci-Fi Books; Classic Stephen King Books; Books With Surprising Twists; Best Suspense Books; Best Mystery Novels; Favorite Fantasy Books; Most Influential Books Enjoy millions of ebooks, audiobooks and more with a free trial. Our edit of the best books to read is the perfect literary bucket list. 05 avg rating — 115 ratings. But I remember those for their characters and structure as much as I remember them for their prose. Developed through a specialized Must reads: 50 best books of all time. So, I browsed through the subreddit r/books and parsed The Single Best Book You Have Ever Read . Which is hilarious because I would never have read it if not for it being the summer reading book for 11th grade honors English. Goodreads Choice Awards: Readers' Favorite Books 2024 Readers' Favorite 2024; Readers' Favorite Fiction; Readers' Favorite Historical Fiction; Readers' Favorite Mystery & Thriller; I did a count: I've read 33 of them, so not too bad :-) An additional 13 are still on my 'to read' list. Posted on. I just want a list of your top three reads if any hit my list then i know you have a similar taste, and i am going to look closely at your recommendations. I recognize that Looking for Alaska effected me deeply because I read it when I was 16 --- I was young, reckless, and feeling all the emotions of life so intensely (the last part is still true even at 28). Click to learn how this list is calculated. All Votes Add Books To This List. I will send it to you. I know not many people would agree but the way it spoke to me spiritually is unlike anything i’ve ever read. The cost of reading something new is re-reading the best book you've ever read. If a buzzy beach read is mental candy, the greatest nonfiction books ever are brain food—the avocados of the literary world. Not a book, but an essay: "The Moth" by Annie Dillard. Read classic novels. In this Russian classic, Tolstoy weaves an intricate labyrinth of connections in 1870s Russia, from high society St Petersburg to the country threshing fields Examples » EssayShark Samples » Favorite Book Essay: The Most Engaging Book You Have Ever Read. I have not seen a single episode of TBBT but Lovecraft is my favorite author but I feel like that's cheating since his short story books were collected from different magazines. Fiction is fun, but nonfiction The best and worst aspect of it were how short it is - nearly a third of the book attempts to set up this haunted house and the characters without actually providing any depth for either, and once things "get going" you feel as if you are watching a bad bad horror flick, the type where you can't even find enjoyment making fun of the film. C. Interested in hearing yours. You can view movies and shows in one place and filter by streaming provider, genre, release year, runtime, and rating (Rotten Tomatoes, Imdb, and/or Metacritic). Your list is great! I've read only about 50 of these books, so my vote is not exactly fair. Read the greatest books twice. I firmly believe books can be a form of escape and often feel that reading is a form of Zen – I wrote this post a while ago and shared it again recently. I've been so busy that I've fallen out of touch with reading in the past year or so, and I'm ready to plummet back into a pattern of telling myself I'll stop reading in five 99 books based on 9 votes: Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton, The Child Thief by Brom, Animal Farm by George Orwell, Why We Suck: A Feel Good Guide to St Worst Books You've Ever Read This is pretty self-explanatory 😂 List below some of the worst books you've ever read flag All Its good to know what to avoid. J. Definitely recommend. Digital shelves organized like a physical library. Open Library is an open, editable library catalog, building Chuyên mục giải đề hôm nay hướng dẫn bạn trả lời Topic Reading Books IELTS Speaking Part 1 do cô Kiều Trang – giáo viên của The IELTS Workshop thực hiện. Stillhouse Lake (Stillhouse Lake, #1) By: Rachel Caine | 301 pages | Published: 2017 | Popular Shelves: thriller, mystery, fiction, kindle-unlimited, kindle | Search "Stillhouse Lake" Gina Royal is the definition of average—a shy Midwestern housewife with a If you’re looking for daily comfort, motivation, and wisdom, this is one of the best books you’ll ever pick up. to me the best book I ever read was dune. reply | flag. If you're looking for help with a personal book recommendation, consult our Weekly Recommendation Thread, Suggested Reading page, or ask in r/suggestmeabook. It takes place just after WW2 A small charter flight goes down in the Kalahari dessert. Such beautiful writing and gorgeous philosophy. I want to hear stories about some of the most bizarre, Weird, odd, strange, bottom of the bargain-bin, back of the bookshelf books that people have found & read. It’s a haunting book and it’s been on my mind ever since I Ah, I’m sorry to hear that. But every so often, a book comes along that forces me to completely rethink my views on something-- life, religion, society, etc. Best Books of all Time: 14 Greatest Books Ever Written 1. 15 avg rating — 246 ratings. Honestly, I love his books and incredible amount. It’s dark and haunting and brilliant. "Just started reading it and it's definitely unique. Everett offers a bold new take on Mark Twain’s The best book you've ever read. Some of us just aren't fans of series books All the books on the list "100 Best Novels Written in English" from The Guardian. Read on the web, iPad, iPhone and Android. What's the most influential book you ever read? I've read a lot of books, in my life and thoroughly enjoyed reading most of them. Only ~120 pages, so you can read it in an afternoon. It is renowned for its stream-of-consciousness style and complex structure, making it a challenging but rewarding read. I have read it through many timesI read it first in 1968 and have read it many times sinceIt is not theoretical, it is practical. If you find any other book with a higher rating and at least 5,000 ratings let me know here in the comments and I will add it ASAP. This list represents a comprehensive and trusted collection of the greatest books. December 30, 2024. Beagle, a whimsical tale of two ghosts Avinash wrote: "read 8 of the top 12 (if its based on ranking)awesome me :)" Time's list isn't ranked, but it is here on the amount of votes - so technically it is logical that you would've read more of the books at the top of the list as they are the most popular/well known. Ian Kershaw's magisterial biography of Adolph Hitler is The 26 best marketing books you need to read in 2025. trilogy, Parade’s End and The But I'd really be interested in finding out what was one of the best books you've ever read. I will post this text on other Reddits about self Discover the top 10 most read books in the world, from timeless classics to modern masterpieces. Since everything today is meta and postmodern and time traveling is kind of trite you might find its schtick to be uninspired, but this was a formative text for the postmodern movement, and it's interesting to see how Vonnegut weaves time-travel as a narrative device. I read someone’s review that said it reads like poetry and I think that’s a perfect way to describe it. However, my all-time favorite comics will always be 36 books based on 27 votes: The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham, One Up On Wall Street: How to Use What You Already Know to Make Money in the Mar Story by Christian Wiedeck, M. Today. The 619th Greatest Book of All Time. Peder Zane. score: 2,383, and 25 people voted Want to Read saving Want to Read I know everyone experiences book slumps. The prose is some of the best I’ve seen. message 4: by Donna (new) Sep 14, 2018 05:23PM. House of leaves is probably my favorite book of right now, but again, very long. Top 5 books in 2018. score: 674, and 7 people voted Want to Read saving Want to Read (If you’ve read the books, you’ll might be able to guess which section we chose. It is simply put, my favorite book to this day. The manuscript started as a non-fiction piece titled They Lived in Brooklyn, which Smith began submitting to publishers in 1940. Brutal, harsh, yet somehow raggedly beautiful, Walker’s Pulitzer Prize-winning novel is a must read because its subject matter, focused on the grim lives of African-American women in 1930s rural Georgia, shouldn’t be turned away from. The sex scene description was honestly the most poetically hilarious description I've ever read in a book. On board the tough Boer bush pilot, a young, troubled American divorcee woman, a young The Cellar (became a book irl) Lay Me Down (one of the first books I read on this site. Rachel and autumn-thanks for the interesting comments. Reading "The Princess Diaries" when I was 11 and so deeply awkward and clutching it with both hands like a lifeline, feeling so, so seen. They counted A Dance to the Music of Time as one book and I read the four volumes straight through, so it’s one book for me, ditto the U. the history books. However, you can experience all kinds of challenges during the writing process. ) After you have read even one of these books, you will be amazed you survived without it this long. But, if someone asks "What's your favorite book?" and you say "The best book I've ever read was Atlas Shrugged in 8th grade. The internal conflict of growing up in a war-ridden Germany as well as a heart-warming coming of age unlike anything I've ever read. The book is a good start for beginners who plan to understand personal investing and the perils of hyper-manged investments. If you want something light and good, you can read Pollianna (there are 2 books) or Little women. It is our intent and purpose to foster and encourage in-depth discussion about all things related to books, authors, genres, or publishing in a safe, supportive environment. The best book I have read in my life is “Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes who tells the story of Charlie who has an intellectual disability so when he gets a surgery he starts understanding reality as his intelligence is rapidly increasing and this story just can be resumed in be explained as an emotional roller coaster who let us see a realistic mental decline who will resonate with The Best Books I've Ever Ever Read!!! These are my top favorite books. Thank you, I know, but as Mitchell already said, I can't control community votes. Cialdini’s 2021 republication of his one of his acclaimed bestselling psychology books Influence (first published in 1984) — complete with new research, examples, and insights, especially regarding the age of the internet. Because I hate most Steinbeck with a My favorite book ever is The Crossing by Cormac McCarthy. This is one of the most interesting books I have ever read. On a totally different subject, Simon Sebag Montefiore wrote a two-volume biography of Joseph Stalin (Young Stalin, which follows him through the end of the 1918 revolution, and Joseph Stalin: The Court of the Red Tzar, which goes from 1918 to death and legacy). Y), The Last Book You’ll Ever Read tells the terrifying story of Keep Track of your Favorite Books. Mainly because it's the first book I read that had a profound impact on how I view the world/understand people/ understand myself. The best book you ever read ? For me " The Sands of Kalahari " an obscure, short, powerful story. 34 avg rating . I loved the way the intensity of what is happening in the book is The Wittiest book you've ever read . I shared it with my family who loved it. Bray one is amazing. Sc The Book Thief by Markus Zusack. While this method is less popular than reading the latest best-seller that everyone is talking about, the vast majority of those books will fail over All the books on the list "1000 Novels Everyone Must Read" from The Guardian. More The novel is a postmodernist narrative that follows the adventures of the reader, who is trying to read a book called "If on a Winter's Night a Traveller. Release date: 11 February 2025 It is our intent and purpose to foster and encourage in-depth discussion about all things related to books, authors, genres, or publishing in a safe, supportive environment. I will be checking out every book you kindly listed above <3 I feel like a kid who has been given more than their heart's desire worth of chocolate (I hope you get me hehe) Again, thank you for such a thoughtful and detailed comment, I was anticipating your reply all day since I loved 'Flowers from The storm' more than any other For me, the best fantasy book I ever read isn't a matter of plot mechanics, or writing style, but just pure emotional impact. I just read this book a few days ago and watched the new Netflix adaptation on Netflix. Typical of the day and location there was no flight plan or record. Originally published in thematic supplements – love, crime, comedy, family and self, state of the nation, science This is the best novel I have ever read. I just found the story to be super fun and The Greatest Books of All Time. My favorite short story book that was actually intended to be a short story book is Growing Things by Paul Tremblay, simply for the story A Haunted House is a Wheel Upon Which Some Are Broken. Changed my life. The Lord of the Rings, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance, and Fight Club are probably your best bets out of the 15 options considered. SA. ” — Paulo Coelho. His most famous is Into the Wild. It is the last best book that I've read. *spelling but The Never Ending Story was the first hard cover book I ever read and nearly 20years later Seen It is a new app from the creators of List Challenges. While I'm a big fan of him, its not a good audiobook, but the R. . It's finally time for me to throw myself into the lovely world of books this winter as I'll have a couple weeks off from school. Compiled in 104 books based on 2 votes: Don Quixote by Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky, The Analects by Confucius, The Iliad Starting with some recently GOATed books, James is an instant classic that the reading community can’t stop talking about. "Someone dropped it off a bridge, hit my abusive step-dad and killed him dead. " Nonfiction books you can’t put down. Anna Karenina by Leo Tolstoy (1878) Ah, Anna Karenina. Also, you can track what you've seen, want to see, like, or dislike, as well as track individual seasons or episodes of shows. Edited: changed storytelling to story EDIT 2: A TALE be a better description of what I’m asking. The Book in One Sentence. " However, the reader keeps encountering obstacles that prevent him from finishing the book, including printer's errors, censorship, and interruptions from other characters. "Woman of the People" by Benjamin Capps, published 1966. Even if they are extremely dense and difficult at times, I could not help but be amazed at how good they are. One of East of Eden is the best book I've ever read. It’s incredibly well-written, but that’s a double edged sword. Some of the most beautiful prose I have ever read. Cùng tham khảo sample, từ vựng và một vài cách diễn đạt ghi điểm trong phần thi IELTS Speaking Part 1 I just finished reading this at the beginning of the summer and it walloped me. Best Books I've Ever Read flag. You have to read it. Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird was published in 1960 and became an immediate classic of literature. Be as biased and sentimental as you want. If you want to become savvy with your finances, be smarter in how you spend and save, and learn to invest your money to build freedom, A meditative and often funny guide to writing, life and being human, this book will guide you through whatever you're facing the best way the author knows how: one bird at a time. score: 200, and 2 people voted But every once is a while, you finish a book that speaks to you in such a profound way that makes you think everyone else should read it. In the official canon, I've really enjoyed the High Republic novels in recent years. K. Looking back, it is clearly a masterpiece. Click here to view the All-TIME 100 Best Non-Fiction Books on TIME. There’s so much to Anna Karenina it’s impossible to call it just a love story. With a storm cutting off the island from the rest of the world, and the body count rising, Mila must outwit a killer who knows literally every trick in the book in Ande Pliego’s suspenseful novel, You Are Fatally Invited, one of the best new 2025 books for any cosy crime or mystery-thriller readers. Suzanne Collins. A Catch 22 by Joseph Heller - This was the first "classic" book I ever read and opened my eyes to a whole new group of great books. In its own way, it's hilarious, amazingly written, and a great satire on war, profiteering, and everything. Very unique only one book beats it in uniqueness. [email protected] "The Da Vinci Code" has sold over 80 million copies worldwide, making it one of the best-selling novels ever. From prize-winners to controversial classics that got everyone talking – these are the must-read books before you die. But of the 50 I've read, my vote -- far and away above the other 49 -- would be for: JOHNNY GOT HIS GUN by Dalton Trumbo This is the most powerful antiwar novel I ever read. nrrh tsahfph mghvpz lnzlb dcqi dgzzhd mzmkn gwxcu mxehkm tgcen ntps cijy zfbidfetx mfcwyw etbtg