Clas 201 uwaterloo reddit. Also the tests are all MC.

Clas 201 uwaterloo reddit But what else? The exam structure is: Question 1 (36 Points) 12 Multiple Choice questions (each worth 3 marks) and they are from Chapter 2 to Chapter 12 (Excluding chapter 10, 5. io/. 93K subscribers in the uwaterloo community. Now there is only a week left in classes and finals are approaching. Get app Get the Reddit I've checked uwflow and there seems to be mixed opinions about 201, whereas there's nothing on either 206/207. But what I do remember is; other 201 sections/profs have pretty typical econ exams, like a lot of multiple choice. 95K subscribers in the uwaterloo community. If you want easy marks just do like econ 101 lol Yeah, then hopefully you'll also enjoy 201. BIOL 201 is pretty straightforward, you either know the vein/bone or you don't, and if you don't, everything will just look like a big mess. Unofficial Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Go to uwaterloo r/uwaterloo. The best place on Reddit for LSAT advice. Posted by u/nataliehanna89 - 4 votes and no comments Can someone in the course tell me what the grade breakdown is for the Fall 2023 offering of CLAS201? Posted by u/clasnick - No votes and 4 comments Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Apart from CLAS 201, 104 , 100. so just out some effort in and you can still get a great grade. reReddit: Top posts of June 2, 2022. I've taken REC 100, REC 280, CLAS 201, CLAS 202. Thing is, I can't seem to find any reviews of it… Go to uwaterloo r/uwaterloo I personally liked CLAS 201 and wanted to take 202 but it never fit into my schedule. Plan your courses • Read course and professor reviews • Export your schedule A comprehensive listing and evaluation of Bird Courses or easy courses at University of Waterloo. Seems more shit. 2 in class and one final. The hardest part is going through 300 MC and T/F questions for each test, but very do-able. Unofficial student and alumni-run subreddit for the University of Waterloo community There's a non-trivial amount of reading involved, about a chapter a class, but overall the course is pretty easy. Do you have any tips to get 90+ in this course? Go to uwaterloo r/uwaterloo. 94K subscribers in the uwaterloo community. Thank you in advance. 6), you need to solve some problems in this section to choose the right answer, therefore you might have I thoroughly enjoyed CLAS 201 (Ancient Greek Society) with Professor Riemer Faber :) Every class felt like I was being told an interesting story (Prof Faber is an excellent orator). The questions were pretty much the same as biweekly homework problems so they were long but if you know how to do them without much thought you're fine. I just took CLAS 202 with Hutter. I need a human anatomy class for graduate and this is the only acceptable class from uwaterloo for most Canadian universities. Just remember to have all the course notes and textbook open. 3 exams. Some exercises for mental health and videos/online discussion posts on related topics too. Pour ceux qui l’ont suivi… Hey, I'm also considering taking that class vs PHYS 175, I was wondering if the articles that are read for assignments show up on the final, or if its calculations/ how and what to study for the final. Took the review quizzes without reviewing the week's material (since the material is a lot like econ101 but just more in depth) and ended up with a 7/8 out of 10. Post any questions you have, there are lots of redditors with LSAT knowledge waiting to help. Much like previous cohort's class profiles, this class profile summarizes stats across a variety of topics (academics, co-op, social life, etc. But it's more mathematical. Unofficial student and alumni-run subreddit for the University of Waterloo community The prof for fall 2020 for PACS 201 is Eric Lepp. Also the tests are all MC. Need advice for the online version) Hey! I'm a new transfer student who will be taking JAPAN 202R in the fall after having only self-studied beforehand and I have a couple questions about the material of 201R (and prior) while I'm reviewing a bit before classes begin. Maes, ML 225 Term: Fall 2010 Time/Place: 7:00 – 9:50 (PM) Tuesday, AL 113 Email: nick. Studying Clas 201 Ancient Greek Society at University of Waterloo? On Studocu you will find 16 lecture notes, mandatory assignments, practical, summaries and much. This subreddit is for anyone/anything related to UIUC. The Law School Admission Test (LSAT) is the test required to get into an ABA law school. I would also recommend CLAS 252 and GEOG 101, but neither are offered in the spring. All with equal weight IIRC. CLAS 104. r/uwaterloo Clas 104, 201, 202 Sci 206, 201 Earth 122 Ahs 105 The Reddit home of the Spartans! Go Green! This subreddit is Go to uwaterloo r/uwaterloo clas 104, rec 280, hrm 200, clas 202, (taking class 201 and so far its pretty easy) Reply Reddit . If anyone is dropping BIOL 201, please let me know beforehand. For the in-class, the prof will give out 5-10 selected short answers hint a week before the test out of which you will have to answer like 2-3. Bird course! Took it with Predrag Rajsic though on winter 2021, online. Members Online Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now CLAS 201 Reply reply More posts you may like r/uwaterloo. Also you need a pre req chain of 3 so something like econ 101 > 201 > 301, and you need also 300+ course. Je recherche un cours facile le trimestre prochain et je pense suivre le CLAS 201 le trimestre prochain avec Lisa Trentin. Please show up to the classes, a lot of students ended up ditching and I felt bad for her because she genuinely wanted to help us succeed in the course. com Did anyone take CLAS 201 online in the fall term or the spring term? How many test do you write? Any essays? Is it easy? 80 probably, much higher than 80 maybe not, some of the questions can be pretty BS. CLAS 104 wasn't the easiest course you can take, but if you have a good memory and if you pay attention to every class, you'll do fine. Go to uwaterloo r/uwaterloo clas 104 as well!! Reply More posts you may like. HEALTH 105 is so easy, its basically writing reflections about mental health. Clas 201 Super easy I just did it. Most people are guarnteed 75, but impossible to get 100 (it is, you have to win every game, which is assume your entire classes answers and always choose the best one). i missed out on classes last week. ) to outline our 5-year journey as part of BME at UWaterloo! 47/50 cohort members provided responses to questions posed in the survey. The results for the BME 2021 Class Profile are here!!! 🥳 Have a look and get to know the graduating BME cohort! 🤓 . To me 290 wasn’t bad, but 391 was definitely harder than 201 and 301. Ultimately you want to talk to the Econ advisors about it. does that make course a lot harder? I took this course cause everyone said it was bird and i heard it was open book before so it was hella easy, did they just decide to switch up this time 😭 😭 Unofficial student and alumni-run subreddit for the University of Waterloo community List C online without prereqs: The list is huge but includes anth 105, clas 104, clas 230 i'm lazy you can just look the giant list yourself (when in doubt msci 311 with Prof Ada is great) List D online without prereqs: AFM 131, ENGL 109, phil 145, phil 201, phil 202, rec 100 etc(the list is on the site, it shouldn't take long to figure From what I've gained from talking to people who have been in Larry Smith's classes and moved on to econ 201 and 202, they were lost in the theory. Unofficial student and alumni-run subreddit for the University of Waterloo community Took it with Russell Adams a couple years ago. so i wrote the first midterm today and uhhhh, didn't do so well. I took CLAS 201 last summer term and there was no final. You can even afford to skip class if you are so inclined and grab notes off someone in class. For those who took it recently, how easy is the course? And how’s the course outline (quizzes, assignments, exams, etc. Posted by u/Natural_Ad_4228 - No votes and no comments If anyone could provide insights into any of CLAS 201, CLAS 241, CLAS 251, I’d really appreciate it. Business, Economics, and Finance. I really don’t want to stay an extra term for this one class next year. Should I bring my class notes (they take up quite some space in my luggage lol) to my work, in… Unofficial student and alumni-run subreddit for the University of Waterloo community I do believe the department is phasing out the 201 and 301 path over the next few years, and soon they will force everyone to do 290 and 391 instead (department course revamp). . There are 7-8 games where you compete vs your class. Does anyone in SCI 201 want to form a study group? I can create a discord chat for us to connect I'm taking CLAS 104 Online this term and I got an email from the prof/instructor which said that the course is based on the 10th edition of the textbook. You'll be more inclined to go and absorb the content weekly, as opposed to wanting to half-ass it prior to the final and cramming it at the end. " And he had freshly baked brownies at the front of the class. Its a 90-minute timed online test for weeks 1-4. I don't know much about 301, but 401 is ok. r/uwaterloo (It is CLAS 201 if it matters). Having done 104 also makes some of the lectures/questions in 201 really easy, haha. Is it upto entire unit 4? Thinking of taking Clas 384 (Science and Technology in Ancient Greece and Rome) this winter term. so i just msged the prof for clas 104 and they told me that the quizzes and exam are not open book. CLAS 104, 105, 201, 202 PSYCH 101 Of the ones my peers have taken, the most common straightforward ones they recommend/mention the most seem to be: PHIL 145 ECON 101, 102 ANTH 202 Between all of those, hopefully that gives a starting point. Anybody wanna share thoughts? 89K subscribers in the uwaterloo community. Reddit . Someone who is decent at algebra should be able to do well without much difficulty. i personally read the modules the day before and then the day of the test i skimmed them again plus skimmed the textbook summaries that can be found online. Given the lack of a regional subreddit, it also covers most things in the Champaign-Urbana area. Yeah I did but can't help you much sorry man. Congrats! If you haven't taken anatomy/histology/physio1+2 in your undergrad already, keep up with your notes in PHARM 110. It's a course that mostly covers stories and myths, so listening during class and memorizing/re-reading the stories helps. Just go to class and listen. Take notes using your laptop in class using bullets in MS Word and you probably won't need to buy the textbook. i barely put any work and ended up with a 94 in the class Following the footsteps of SYDE, SE, MGMT, and TRON, we are pleased to present the inaugural ECE Class Profile! Some highlights (lowlights?): In Fall 2016 (1A) In Winter 2017 (1B), thanks to correction below, there were 235 152 Electrical Engineers and 439 235 Computer Engineers. I have a few questions for A1 that i am not sure what or how to answer. Unofficial student and alumni-run subreddit for the University of Waterloo community Hi! Is there anyone that has notes/ filled up slides for Monday's (28th of Oct) HLTH 201 lecture and is willing to send me their's? I was… Posted by u/r-e-gular-throw - 11 votes and 4 comments Is anyone in the class this term? How was Christopher Watts as a prof? I think all Math faculty students are required to do 2 Arts, 2 social sciences, and 2 regular sciences. It's like an advanced version of econ 101 so far. If you did physics in high school you can definitely do SCI 201. As long as you passed high school math you know more than enough, as far as I remember you only need basic stuff like simple derivatives and slope y-intercept form of a line. Its just I really hate Art I think he recently got his PhD, but honestly he’s fantastically friendly and approachable, keeps the class entertained and engaged, and runs clearly through plenty of examples and questions in class. Posted by u/armita_r - 3 votes and 6 comments An Idle RPG game that features pure Japanese style artwork created by popular Japanese artists. Think in-class is Winter only though. 25 votes, 28 comments. When I took it last fall there were 4 MC midterms that were pretty easy. Stuff like the Greek gods and legends like the Iliad/Odyssey end up just being review. Super interesting content, and depending on the prof, it's basically an hour and a half of story time Phil 145 is a great class for thinking logically (and incidentally, critically) about anything. We hope that through this survey, you can get a glimpse into our class as we were and learn a bit more about what makes a Systems Design Engineering student in Get app Get the Reddit app Log In Log in to Reddit. Im definitely suffering from burnout but can’t do shit because reasons. Trust me, you do not want to cram all the content. Reply reply horsenerd r/uwaterloo. Unofficial student and alumni-run subreddit for the University of Waterloo… thanks for assembling this and for posting! Interesting takes: better gender diversity than Eng is good to see; east asian being like 80+% wow; small number of US students very surprising (more from Singapore even); 'favorite co-op city' text says SanFran, but only "Bay Area" appears in the graphic, and very small, so is this a mistake?; the 'what companies did you work for' list looked a lot didnt take 206 but econ 201 is pretty much econ 101 with partial derivatives (altho obv they dont teach it like that) Hi all, I'm searching for a recent course outline / syllabus for ME 201 (Advanced Calc for 2A Mechanical), with textbook chapters for each unit of study. For those unfamiliar, a class profile summarizes stats for a specific UW program across a variety of topics (ranging from academics, to co-op, to social life, etc. also there’s no way that everyone actually gets that high Mechanical engineer going on first coop term soon. Class ended in July (so the timeslot for the course was completely freed up for the last month of school). He said that the 9th is probably fine as well but Also show up to weekly class discussions, she just reviews the lectures and asks for your thoughts/opinions. Should be interesting/easy for anyone logically minded The reddit for students of Concordia University of Montreal, Quebec / Le reddit des étudiants et étudiantes de L'université Concordia à Montréal, Québec Members Online ECON 201 no do NOT drop this class. use the following search parameters to narrow your results: subreddit:subreddit find submissions in "subreddit" author:username find submissions by "username" site:example. See what subjects stick out to you, and you actually like and go from there. Clas 201 is pretty easy, but only if you go to class and pay attention. to be fair, i haven't really been paying attention in class and since the slides are… If you're taking it in a future term, try to take it in-class (I believe they have it in the Winter, it's one class, all in the performing theatre). Crypto Reddit's oldest and largest community for all things Boston College. The prof teaching it is the same though, and she was pretty good IMO. courseload isnt too heavy, weekly reading ∼20-30 pages, weekly discussion posts (basically answering questions the prof gives abt the week content), 8 written summary (marked very leniently) and a full . Looking for an easy course next term and I’m thinking about taking CLAS 201 next term with Lisa Trentin. Other BIOL will be BIOL 201 (anatomy), BIOL 302, and BIOL 308. You have 5 minutes to discuss before we vote. Students, Alumni, Faculty, and Townies are all welcome. What are some good bird courses for winter preferably online 10 votes, 10 comments. There are 2 in-class multiple choice midterms of 50 questions each, and 1 multiple choice exam. reReddit: Top posts of June According to my understanding, this class requires lots of reading each week. Unofficial student and alumni-run subreddit for the University of Waterloo community if u're interested in politics, I'd recommend sds 131r online with Christina Parker! a very fun intro to canadian political parties, it covers the history and background behind every party. PACS 201 or 202 RS 121 SMF 101 HRM 200 Take CLAS 202! I’m currently taking it and it’s an easy 90+. For the uninitiated, the class profile is a tradition in which the graduating class responds to a student-led survey that summarizes their experience throughout their degree, covering topics such as academics, co-op, life, and their futures. I know that CLAS 104 is historically a bird course but I heard that one of the profs this term has switched from 4 tests to essays and the class is… CLAS 104, 201, and 202 (courses taught by Kroeker) have only multiple choice tests and only require studying the day before the test. It's a bit more work than 104, but still very light compared to other courses I was taking at the time. No prereqs. I assume 201 will be similar to 104, my suggestion is to do the in class version rather than the online one. Join thousands of other Eagles to discuss Boston College academics, athletics, and nearby happenings. r/uwaterloo. Learn about electives and professors in the comments section of each bird course. 201 is generally really Ok so I just barely passed 2A CS, and I have another study term. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. i would say an 80+ is attainable just by skimming the modules but if u want a 90+ a little more effort is required. If you enjoy learning about people, history, or war, you should definitely consider it! Clas 202 questions Advice I am wondering about taking Clas 202 during the winter semester and I was wondering if any knows the grade breakdown if the course or has taken this course before. CLAS 201: ANCIENT GREEK SOCIETY Instructor: N. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Go to uwaterloo r/uwaterloo. PM me if you have questions about STV 205! They figured out how to keep the class engaged during lectures, made the workload manageable (not needlessly making things difficult cause its oNlInE), they were super open to helping via email and/or zoom calls if needed, etc. An introduction to the role that classical studies and the classical cultures have played in pop culture. Make sure you keep up with the content. I took it last winter and i got an 85 and i put literally NO effort whatsoever in the class. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Took SCI 201 and earth 121 and SCI 201 is def easier. Graded using three multiple choice quizzes of 30 questions each. The online tests were 50% of your mark so you have literally no reason to fail that course unless you want to. Coursework: 1 (very interesting topic, at least for me) essay (close to end of term), in-class group discussions throughout the term (happen every other week, I think there were 3-5) Exams: 2 in-class midterms (one in the last scheduled class), no final. Wanted to ask if any of you have the pdf/epub of Themes in Roman Society and Culture: An Introduction to Ancient Rome 2nd edition for CLAS 202 course. Professor Davison legit once, on his own (no one even asked him to) pushed a project deadline by 3 weeks cause he saw I just took DAC 202 and I thought it was fun and hands-on. I also After a series of ups and a lot of downs, the Systems Design Engineering class of 2023 presents our class profile. true. breakdown is 5% iclicker, 10% in class group work, 15% term long assignment, 15% open book assignment, 20% midterm and 35% final with them being multiple choice. However, according to UW Flow it's a very easy course. github. BIOL 302 is Histology, also new content. Wᴇʟᴄᴏᴍᴇ ᴛᴏ ʀ/SGExᴀᴍs – the largest community on reddit discussing education and student life in Singapore! SGExams is also more than a subreddit - we're a registered nonprofit that organises initiatives supporting students' academics, career guidance, mental health and holistic development, such as webinars and mentorship Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Go to uwaterloo r/uwaterloo. Lemme know if u have more questions Posted by u/WorriedSpinach8541 - 2 votes and 4 comments I am taking CLAS 202 this semester and was wondering if anyone has a test bank for CLAS 202? 95K subscribers in the uwaterloo community. 4, 11. After my first midterm (which I received a 75%), I did not go to class at all. Taking notes isn't super necessary if you pay attention as you'll be able to recall most things from just looking at the slides. My prof did a little bit of econ 101 review in Go to uwaterloo r/uwaterloo. So I decided to take STAT 231 online as of now. This is the unofficial subreddit for all things concerning the International Baccalaureate, an academic credential accorded to secondary students from around the world after two vigorous years of study, culminating in challenging exams. Just go to class and you'll pass. Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 4 votes and 1 comment (Also based off what I've read about CLAS 104 on this subreddit, it seems like the in class version of the class much easier - exam wise - than the online version. If you enjoy the material, then I highly recommend it. I barely went to classes, my grandpa died the day before the exam and I initially started writing exam for the wrong section and had to switch halfway into the exam. Take it, easy course, just 2 midterms and final. ) in hopes of capturing that cohort's 5 year journey. It covers a wide range of topics with many perspectives. Plus you need 10 non-math in total. I believe the course was fast-tracked and compressed into half a term last summer, which might be a nice thing. 97K subscribers in the uwaterloo community. com The aim of this course is to introduce the student to the society and culture of Classical I had Epp for 175 and the exam and midterm are fairly easy as long as you study the assignments. That was Ancient Roman Society but I imagine the course would be similar to 201. Unofficial student and alumni-run subreddit for the University of Waterloo community Its really fun. This course will examine specific references, such as ancient Greek myths, and more general trends, such as literary types, in contemporary movies, television shows, comic books, and video games to illustrate the continued fascination with the cultures of Ancient Greece and Rome. He’s going places, and they’re nowhere but up. In order to take it though I'm pretty sure that you will need to be pursuing a DAC minor to take those classes and one of the requirements is for you to be an ARTS student to do so. Posted by u/EmptyFortune7295 - 12 votes and 3 comments Posted by u/codenamepenryn - 3 votes and 2 comments But if any of you press B, then whoever pressed B gets a brownie, and everyone who pressed A gets nothing. My friend Jason and I collected a bunch of data from our undergrad classmates and compiled our findings into a class profile inspired by the class profiles created by our upper years. took it fall 2019, super easy course. Sometimes the readings are pain but overall doable 85-90 Honestly you don't need to do any work outside of the class (or inside except taking notes) to get a good mark, like I said, I didn't buy the book and don't do the readings. reReddit: Top posts of April 14, 2022. Thank you. Maybe im being a bit greedy but they already give us 8 free electives. Easy 90+ if it's open book. He can put you to sleep but just by showing up, trying to pay attention, doing assignments and studying a couple days off his slides before the tests you can get over 90 in the course. The professor is funny as shit and makes a bunch of jokes/stories during lecture. Personally didn't know the textbook had additional useful information until the third test so don't make the same mistake I did. Exam was rehash of assignments, formula sheet provided. i took this course this fall term and i finished with a good grade (95). 101 was ass 201 was a lot more fun, but I did turn the class into a bit of a meme. I’m looking for a course that is genuinely interesting and will want to do the readings/ work. And I have a few questions here: Reddit community for the City of Kitchener, Canada How do I study for this exam? I understand the first 5 chapters very well so I will review the others more. Unofficial student and alumni-run subreddit for the University of Waterloo community 201 is not heavy with math at all, it’s almost purely graphical. If you care about getting 100, you won't, as assignments are based on how well you do vs the class. 10/10 favourite prof I’ve had. Over 100 beautiful huntresses awaits your nurture featuring live 2D interactive graphics. )? For anyone whos taken CLAS 201 online, do you have any general tips for the tests? 25% is quite a lot for a first test so I'm curious if you have any strategies to focus my studying. Class average was so high for this class it was nuts! I did the bare minimum and got an 89. Ancient Greek Society [CLAS 201] (taught by Nick Maes): Not too many concepts, and the prof teaches the material really well. It’s not until Econ 290 that you start taking partials and integration. Crypto 185 votes, 38 comments. tbh it’s not super Sakuracon is an annual three-day gathering for fans of Japanese animation and culture to dress up as their favorite characters, buy anime goods, and socialize with other like-minded people. I was going to also suggest CLAS 201, but I think the course has changed since I took it. It's basically Greek story time. r/uwaterloo Source: currently not studying for upcoming CLAS 201 Business, Economics, and Finance. If you plan on continuing on with more econ courses, Maryann Vaughan is the better professor for first year economics. Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now Go to uwaterloo r/uwaterloo and only needed to look up two questions that weren't covered in Get the Reddit app Scan this QR code to download the app now CLAS 201, taught by the same guy, was also pretty great. Very easy. PACS 202 is either Kelly brown and Keith Regehr comment sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A Add a Comment Im doing sci 201 this term too, i didnt go to any lectures and i just memorized the assignment solutions for the first test and got a 92 so just do that lmao Reply More posts you may like I'm on that sequence. You don't necessarily have to attend every lecture but I found that it was enjoyable just to sit and listen. The course is very fast-paced, and it's easy to feel overwhelmed if you have to cram a lot of the content at once. My only question is, is it possible to pass the Econ 201 exam with good marks without going to class and just studying from the textbook, slides and workbook? Posted by u/[Deleted Account] - 2 votes and 2 comments Clas 104 can be a bit of heavy reading, but is totally worth it. Reply reply Foylove The class profile you've been waiting for🙃 https://uwaterloo-bme-2020-class-profile. 2 online tests and a final you finish in 30 minutes and wait 30 more to leave. 67 out of 95 students in SYDE 2023 were /r/BOLC is a place to discuss: -Finance or travel-related BOLC questions: BAH, BAS, PCS, partial/full DITY move, TDY, HOR and taxes -Meet people in your upcoming BOLC classes -Swap BOLC class dates -Find Roommates within your BOLC duty station -Make sense of your orders and the reporting process -Give or get advice about your particular BOLC SCI 201: assignments were fairly straightforward, just a few pages of algebraic manipulations. CLAS 201 was interesting (Ancient Greek Society). We, as a class, agreed that there's no way he's gonna let those brownies go to waste, so we should press A and get the cheat sheet. earth 121 still requires some work but 201 is Go to uwaterloo r/uwaterloo I'm taking econ 201 online now. Which one is easier: CLAS 202 or CLAS 104 . Check out the sidebar for intro guides. Last quiz takes place during finals. No idea about online. How much is the mid term content covered until. Does anyone have the syllabus for Clas 201 online with Lisa Trentin? Hi so I had selected some courses for Fall 2019 and I was wondering whether CLAS 100 would be an easy 90 like CLAS 104 and CLAS 201???? HELP A STEM… The Reddit LSAT Forum. Would really appreciate the help. maes@rogers. I feel like the online one would take significantly more effort. opzv cwnr plsdw arwhn hlzssn vkhgssx xrrslso wyimk fjtp wigse wkb ilhpa undd rns lkysrrrz