Matsu iron ore project. Learn more today with Rio Tinto.
Matsu iron ore project , Ltd. Projects. Kumba is pleased to announce the approval of its Kapstevel South project at its Kolomela mine by both the Company’s and Anglo American’s boards. By Global Times Published: Dec 25, 2022 04:16 PM. 04% iron, China Baowu Steel Group has raised $1. Innovative technological and mining solutions provider TAKRAF Group recently concluded the signing of an extensive project with Mauritanian mining and industrial company Societe Nationale India's iron ore output to grow from 174mnt in 2020 to 194mnt in 2030, with annual output growth averaging 1. Metso Outotec has signed a landmark contract for the delivery of an iron ore beneficiation and travelling grate pelletizing plant to Africa. 34 billion, to strengthen its long-term earnings base. South Korea’s top steelmaker POSCO and Hancock Prospecting Pty Ltd, a leading Australian mining firm, have agreed to restart a long-dormant iron ore mine development project as the prices of the steelmaking raw material soar. Project owner African Iron (now The Wonmunna iron ore project is an open-pit, direct-shipping iron ore (DSO) project by Minerals Resources Limited (MRL) in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. Level 1, 46 Hill Street East Perth, As the largest greenfield integrated mine and infrastructure investment in Africa, Rio Tinto’s world-class Simandou iron ore project in Guinea will be co-developed as a joint venture between the Guinean State, Simfer Jersey and Winning Consortium Simandou (WCS), with the ultimate owner and operator of the co-developed infrastructure being the Compagnie Shine Iron Ore Project. 17% Micro Gold Futures $ 2945. The Zanaga Project is a globally significant iron ore resource 8 One of the only large, long-life, iron ore assets not controlled by existing major iron ore producers Orebody supports >30 year mine life, even at 60Mtpa production scale Large Scale Reserves & Resources positioning Zanaga as a Globally Significant Reserve1 FORMER Anglo American chief executives Tony Trahar and Mark Cutifani have teamed up with a group of investors to buy the Zanaga iron ore project in Republic of Congo (RoC). 6-billion tonnes containing 29. The mine is expected to produce a superior quality pellet feed concentrate with 70% iron Japanese trading house Mitsui & Co said on Wednesday it would acquire a 40% stake in the Rio Tinto-operated Rhodes Ridge iron ore project in Western Australia for $5. Nimba iron ore project is located in the south-eastern part of Guinea, near the border with Liberia and Cote d’Ivoire. The project comprises an extensive tenement covering 1,000km² in West Africa. Commercial oil production started in July 2015 and has been trucked to Wyndham Port. Mitsui & Co. The stripping ratio over the first four years of mining is estimated to be 3:1. 8 Mtpa of iron ore from its Paulsens East Iron Ore Project. The Onslow iron project (formerly known as the Ashburton project) is one of the largest iron ore developments undertaken in Western Australia. The mine was placed on care and maintenance in February 2015, after the high grade reserves were exhausted, and conveniently iron ore prices had crashed. 7% Fe. The Mayoko iron ore project is located within the south-west region of the Republic of Congo (RoC). Minable reserves declared hold more than 29 million tons of high grade concentrate (66% Fe, 1. . Sojitz is engaged in a wide range of business fields globally including automotive, aerospace, infrastructure, energy, metals and The project includes an estimated 670 km railway to transport the iron-ore from the mine to the Guinean coast and a new deep-water port south of Conakry, on the Morebaya river. Learn more today with Rio Tinto. CuFe Ltd (ASX:CUF) is an emerging iron ore producer with a strategy focused on near-term, high-grade premium product iron ore projects and maintaining exposure to strategic metals. 4 billion (A$10. The deal, marking Mitsui’s largest investment ever is a result of long-term Project Contact Agnes Alaba agnes. Mindat. 22, 17:04 SMFG's Nimba Iron Ore Project - SMFG https://smfg. 60% iron, including haematite and 39. 3 billion, in a bet that the global steel industry will need high-quality raw materials to support Click here to view Ridges iron ore mine (Matsu; Pompey's Pillar), Glen Hill Station, Wyndham-East Kimberley Shire, Western Australia, Australia: Data Identifiers: Mindat Long-form Identifier: 1:3:1201510:2: GUID : 86dc1494-ce46-4841-a143-8048d2e91fc0 . The Iron Bridge project will employ low-cost open-pit truck and shovel mining method with automated haulage and drilling systems. 5 MTPA each. The Simandou mine is a large iron ore mine which is tied to one of the biggest mining corruptions in modern history. According to Gahigi, a tonne of iron ore currently produces 2 tonnes of carbon dioxide. Rio Tinto and China Baowu Steel Group Co propose to build an iron-ore mine with a capacity of 25-million tonnes a year. Just days before the Guinean president Alpha Condé was overthrown by a coup d'état on 5 September, Jeffrey Ovian, the local manager of the British firm Niron Metals, reportedly went to the ministry of mines to try and gain headway on the company's Guinean iron ore project Zogota. Is this data correct? View contact profiles from Kimberley Metals Group. Kimberley Metals Group's Social Media. Matsu remains undeveloped at the time of writing. The iron ore from the Paulsens East project will be extracted using open-cut mining. KMG is an active explorer Developer and Operator of iron ore projects in Australia. will buy a stake in an Australian iron ore project for $5. Project Owner/s Rio Tinto (54%) and China Baowu Steel Group Co (46%). ug +256 414 344 414 Project Description Muko hosts hematite deposits of iron ore with 150 million tonnes. Report 2014/228; 2013. KMG also owns the Matsu iron ore project, a nearby satellite to the Ridges mines which had a mining lease granted in 2014. Simandou represents one of the largest iron ore reserves in the world, having estimated reserves of 2. (Matt Brann: higher grade Matsu iron ore deposit 10 kilometres south of the Ridges mining operation. It is situated approximately 800km from the country’s capital Conakry, and 26km from the existing railway The Mary River iron ore deposit is located 160 km south of Pond Inlet, Baffin Island, NU. Located near Adelaide with access to key infrastructure, Onslow Iron is one of the largest iron ore projects under development in Australia, set to unlock billions of tonnes of stranded deposits in the West Pilbara region. Rio Tinto would build the port itself, including an iron ore terminal, plus a 70 km spur line to its mine, investing a total of $6. 1% over the period. said it would acquire a 40% interest in the Rhodes Ridge iron ore project in Australia for $5. The Plateau hosts an extensive, shallow, flat-lying channel iron deposit (CID) and Macro Metals has determined a Probable Ore Reserve of 205 million tonnes at a grade of 45. 2% magnetic iron at a cutoff grade of 12. It has also developed the Matsu deposit of high-grade iron ore, 10 km south of the Ridges mine. Name of the Project Simandou iron-ore project. Executive Chairman, Mrs Rinehart, With its close proximity to major iron ore markets, including China, Japan, South Korea and India, iron ore exports from the Pilbara exceeded 750 million tonnes in 2022. KMG also own the Development of the Matsu project comes as Indus winds down operations at Ridges, where production is flagged to cease in August. JSW Steel Limited, proposes to set up Iron Ore Beneficiation plant near Taranagar village, Sandur Taluk, Ballari District, Karanataka to beneficiate 25 MTPA of High Siliceous Iron ore (BHQ) to produce 10 MTPA iron ore concentrate. Mitsui & Co, a Japanese trading company, announced on Wednesday that it would purchase a 40% stake of the Rhodes Ridge Iron Ore Project in Western Australia operated by Rio Tinto for $5. Niron handed in its feasibility assessment for the project to the Guinean authorities TOKYO -- Japanese trading house Mitsui & Co. The Ridges Iron Ore Project began shipments in 2011 but has been subject to fluctuations in demand and price for its low-grade product. Project Owner/s Simandou’s mining concession is divided into four blocks. admin@kmetgroup. The plant will be set up in two phases of 12. The Ridges; Blue Hills; Contact Us. Image taken near Broken Hill, New South Wales, via. To use ores press M and go to the button that looks like a moneybag. 8 billion tonnes of high-grade ore, which could make it the largest and richest undeveloped iron ore operation on The second hole, drilled over 54. With a total resource of 22,487 million tonnes of haematite (Fe2O3) and 10,789 million tonnes of magnetite (Fe3O4), India ranks seventh among the countries to possess abundant iron ore resources The project includes the early development Belinga for the production of up to two-million tonnes a year of iron-ore, while studies are advancing the potential designs of a large-scale development. says it will acquire a 40 percent stake in an iron ore project in Australia for 5. com. The development of the Hardey project was originally estimated at $7. 5m and 367. 1 billion tonnes of resources, including 999. MRL acquired the project from the Australian Aboriginal Mining Discover Magnetite Mines' flagship Razorback Iron Ore Project, poised to produce high-grade and DR-grade iron ore for low-carbon and zero-carbon steel production. org is an outreach project of the Hudson Institute of Mineralogy, a Project prioritizes schedule over safety, Rio announced in December 2023 it was bringing forward the start of iron ore production at the long-delayed mine to the end of 2025 from 2026 View information on Sojitz Signs Agreement to Join Kami Iron Ore Project in Canada, News Room of Sojitz Corporation. Solomon Iron Ore Project: further troglofauna survey at Zion deposit, according to Ministerial Condition 862. 4 iron ore miner said its Eliwana project, the first new mine announced by the company in several years, included developing 143 kilometres of railway and a new dry ore processing facility capable of processing 30 million tonnes annually. Ore can be found in any tier level chest (1-10) but it is a 1% chance (from 1-3), But they're also a 15% drop (30 on double drop weekend) from Akeza, Rengoku, Tengen, and Douma, or alternatively you can get one from Ouw0pp when selling 25,000 or more worth of stuff. Indus began operating the Ridges mine site in July as part of a joint venture with Habrok Mining and Ridges Iron Ore, after it was mothballed by tenement holder Kimberley Metals Group in 2015. It also includes a return water pipeline. 34 Billion to improve its long-term earning base. The Shine iron ore project is a direct-shipping iron ore (DSO) project being developed by Mount Gibson Iron in the mid-west region of Western Australia. New iron ore mine proposed in Pilbara with significant infrastructure and processing facilities, supporting large-scale production. This hematite Iron Ore, show characteristics of high-quality irone ore (55-68% Fe). 3 billion), but the cost will likely dwindle as the Lodestone Nambia Dordabis Project, located in central Namibia, will at its full potential produce up to 4 million tons of high grade iron ore concentrate supplying directly reduced iron & steel plants. We handle production, KMG owns the Ridges and Matsu Iron Ore Projects in the Far North region of Western Australia. Level 1, 46 Hill Street East Perth, The mine produced six million tonnes of high grade iron ore by January 2015. Metso Outotec has been awarded a major contract for the delivery of sustainable crushing, screening, and grinding technologies to a greenfield iron ore project in South America. Funding has been Guinea has approved a significant development deal for the Simandou iron ore project, aiming to start production by 2026, while Russia's Elgaugol advances on a coal export infrastructure project. Overview. Diesel-powered tracked excavators and off-road haul trucks will be used for the mining. 5% magnetic iron. They will raise an initial $21. In December 2023, it was agreed that WCS would build the 536 Km dual-track mainline, a 16km spur line to its mine, and a wharf at Matakong to handle 60 million tons of iron ore per year. $2 billion iron ore mining project to proceed in the Pilbara, with supplier opportunities and significant investment to expand operations. Owned by ASX-listed Magnetite Mines Limited, the project boasts 2 billion tonnes of Probable Ore Reserves and 3. KMG owns the Ridges Iron Ore and Matsu Iron Ore projects in the Far-North region of Western Australia, KMG is an active explorer, developer and operator of iron ore projects. After nearly 20 years, the company is finalizing a $650 million investment to establish a 7-million-metric-ton-per-year iron ore mining and pelletizing facility in Nashwauk, Minnesota, signaling a major leap forward in the development of the project. Location Guinea. You will be shown the shop, Indus began operating the Ridges mine site in July last year as part of a joint venture with Habrok Mining and Ridges Iron Ore, after the project was put on ice by tenement holder Kimberley Metals Group in 2015. 4m, yielded 63. Kimberley Metals Group (KMG) is currently mining two ore bodies at the Ridges Iron Ore Projects (RIOP) in the Kimberley area. 5m of which $15m will be used to buy Glencore’s controlling 43% stake in London-listed Zanaga Iron Ore Company (ZIOC), including the offtake and Japanese trading house Mitsui & Co. It is owned and operated by Bellzone Mining. Aust-Sino's highly prospective Peak Hill Iron Joint Venture is within Aust-Sino's 568 square kilometres of tenements in Western Australia's Mid West region and is part of the Robinson Range Banded Iron Formation (BIF). Project management company DRA Mineral Projects has delivered South Africa’s first wet, high-intensity magnetic separation (Whims) beneficiation plant for iron-ore. Read more. Read the full story KMG is an active explorer, developer and operator of iron ore projects. Investment Amount Project Description The Simandou project comprises three core elements – a mine, railway and port, as well as associated infrastructure. alaba@minerals. Hawsons flagship project, the Hawsons Iron Project is set to supply one of the world’s highest-grade iron ore concentrate products to the global steel industry – essential to steelmakers transitioning to low-carbon ‘green steel’ production using renewables and less to no fossil fuels. , Ltd will be participating in a feasibility study of the Hawsons Iron Ore Project in Broken Hill in New South Wales, which is managed by Carpentaria Resources Limited (68. While the feasibility and technical studies were completed in 2014, the technical re-evaluation of the project was carried out in early 2020. Unlike our hematite operations, Iron Bridge produces a wet concentrate product which is transported to Port Hedland through a 135-kilometre-long specialist slurry pipeline where dewatering and materials handling occurs. The company's chairman, Japan-based Mitsui & Co. There will be an openpit iron-ore operation in the Lawmakers in Guinea approved on Saturday a joint development deal for its giant Simandou iron ore project involving the junta-led government, Rio Tinto, and Winning Consortium Simandou, the KMG has reactivated mining on the Ridges project, about 165 km south of Wyndham, following months of the mine being mothballed when the global Covid-19 pandemic reduced iron demand. The Kalia iron ore mine is a 50mt/y project under development in the Republic of Guinea, West Africa. Metso Outotec will provide site supervision and commissioning services and deliver automation and training for the project. The securing of these key regulatory Works Approvals in respect of the Port of Ashburton now complete all DWER approvals required for the commencement of export operations from the Port of Ashburton and are important steps in the Stage 2 development plans of Strike, which involve the export of up to 1. Level 1, 46 Hill Street East Perth, KMG is an active explorer, developer and operator of iron ore projects. [1] The mine is located in the Simandou mountain range of southern Guinea's Nzérékoré Region. Level 1, 46 Hill Street East Perth, Our Managing Director talks to the ABC about the Ridges and Matsu Projects. Sojitz Corporation is a general trading company that constantly cultivates new businesses and human capital. Ivindo, which is The Nigerian mining sector made another giant stride over the weekend as Chart and Capstone Integrated Limited and a Chinese firm, Sinomach-He, signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on the Privately-owned High Power Exploration (HPX), founded by mining entrepreneur Robert Friedland, has announced positive prefeasibility study (PFS) findings for the Nimba iron-ore project – a HanRoy Iron Ore Projects Pty Ltd has completed an important milestone with the official turning of first soil for our newest iron ore mine, McPhee Creek, in the Pilbara of Western Australia. Level 1, 46 Hill Street East Perth, Major Japanese trading house Mitsui & Co. Level 1, 46 Hill Street East Perth, WA 600. 84% Fe and 127Mt of inferred resources grading at 56. The Mt Bevan Project is the Company’s flagship project, comprising of a single tenement located approximately 100km west of Leonore in the Yilgarn region of Western Australia with close proximity to existing projects, road, rail and port facilities. Iron Bridge is our magnetite mining operation, located 145km south of Port Hedland. 8 billion tonnes of Western Range iron-ore project. 3 per cent). With an estimated 2. 21% iron with contained haematite. The Ridges; KMG is an active explorer, developer and operator of iron ore projects. Location Pilbara, Western Australia. Gold Futures $ 2948. NEW IRON ORE PROJECTS BY CAPEX ALLOCATION Region Country Mine KMG commenced mining iron ore at Pompey's Pillar, which it re-named Ridges, in July 2011, shipping ore out of Wyndham. But a tonne of the Simandou iron ore, with a grade of 60-66. It is also progressing studies on Mulga Downs, which is targeted to produce 20mt of iron ore over a 30-year mine life. 34 billion, as part of its efforts to secure a stable supply of key resources for Asian Rio Tinto will provide an update today at its Investor Seminar on the world class Simandou iron ore project in Guinea, which is being progressed in pa Simandou iron ore project update December 05 ASX-listed Hawsons Iron this week reported that it would modify the bankable feasibility study (BFS) for its namesake project, in New South Wales, following the completion of a strategic review. 4 million agreement with China's Fujian Hexingwang Industrial Co. Ben Van Roon, our Managing Director talked to Courtney Fowler at ABC News regarding our operation of the Ridges iron ore mine and contribution to the local East Kimberley economy. From Nuna’s earliest activities on site in 2007, WA produces more than 50 different minerals and in 2022–23 had 134 principal mining projects which are high value and export Iron ore accounted for 68 per cent of mineral sales and 49 per cent of total which trucked ore to The South West Creek project is a pit-to-port iron ore infrastructure solution that could see us shipping an additional 20 million tonnes of iron ore per annum from the Port of Port Hedland. The project currently holds a substantial magnetite iron ore resource and is highly prospective for a number [] Chinese, foreign consortiums reach deals with Guinean government on Simandou iron ore project’s infrastructure buildup. Report 2013/171 here; Pilbara Wetland Assessment. Ridley has been earmarked as Hancock’s first magnetite project, which involves the processing of low-grade ore into a high-grade concentrate. The project will ramp up to 35 million tonnes per year, Champion Iron Limited (“Champion” or the “Company”) acquired the Kamistiatusset Iron Ore Project (“Kami” or “The Project”) on April 1, 2021. “Brockman 4 produced 43 million tonnes of iron ore in 2024,” Rio Tinto iron ore chief executive officer Simon Trott said. The third and the fourth holes, that were drilled over 49. KMG is an active explorer, developer and operator of iron ore projects. LEARN HOW Steelmaking is experiencing a revolution, with an unprecedented focus on increased productivity and decreased pollution, which has stoked demand for higher grade iron ore 04. In May 2024, first ore on ship was achieved ahead of schedule. Owner . SYDNEY--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Rio Tinto will provide an update today at its Investor Seminar on the world class Simandou iron ore project in Guinea, which is being progressed in partnership with CIOH, a It is yet another roadblock for the embattled Ridges iron ore project, higher grade Matsu iron ore deposit 10km south of the Ridges mining operation. A plan is afoot for the Mining at Paulsens East iron ore project. go. 2 billion. Scheduled Completion . announced the acquisition of a 40% interest in the Rhodes Ridge iron ore project in Australia on Wednesday. 4% of Fe. 2 million tonnes had been shipped, new operators later collapsed (March 2020) before further exploration and the introduction of a new beneficiation plant to process lower grades of ore saw the Ridges mine Ben Van Roon heads up operations at the Ridges Iron Ore mine near Kununurra. Project Information Covering an area of 19. Kimberley Resource Projects Existing projects • Ungani oilfield, halfway between Broome and Derby: – The project is operated by Buru Energy. The information contained on this map is to be considered indic ative only and in no event sha l the Environmental Protection Authority be liable 2014_0000783871: Ridges Iron Ore Matsu Deposit PERTH BROOME WYNDHAM HALLS CREEK SOURCE DATA LOCALITY MAP Proponent: Proposal Boundary Landgate: Roads (2013) Aerial: Bow 4564 Apr 2009 Mosaic File No: 2014_0000783871, AC01-2014-0074 Location Path: I:\Projects\epasu\minor_projects\ eia\20140505_2014_0000783871_Ridges Iron Or eMa Japanese trading house Mitsui & Co said on Wednesday it would acquire a 40% stake in the Rio Tinto-operated , Rhodes Ridge iron ore project in Western Australia for $5. Matsu has a mine life of at least two He also gave an update on our feasibility study on the neighbouring Matsu deposit and our current push towards all environmental and statutory approvals. Level 1, 46 Hill Street East Perth, The Ridges Iron Ore Project is situated in the Far North of Western Australia, 165 kilometres by road south of Wyndham adjacent to the Great Northern Highway. The resource is located along the top of a ridge over an area approximately 200m wide x 3km long. The total mineral resources of the iron ore mine are estimated to be 5,448Mt graded at 30. 67% Fe, Cascades is poised to produce high-quality iron ore pellets. It also said it would will use the latest technology, including autonomous trucks. 44% Al 2 O 3). au. PERTH, Australia--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Rio Tinto notes that Mitsui & Co. The Isua iron ore project is located in Greenland, approximately 150km north-east of Nuuk. to jointly develop the Maganga Matitu iron ore project at Liganga in Ludewa District, Njombe Region, according to Ivindo Iron is leading the development of the Belinga Iron Ore Project in Gabon, driving economic growth and sustainable opportunities. Report 2013/173b; Yamarna Project, Subterranean Fauna Assessment: Desktop Review and Pilot-Scale Stygofauna Survey. Location: Ballari District Karara Iron Ore Project (S46) [2195] s. A third mine project is more ambitious. Project Description Anglo American notes the announcement made by Kumba Iron Ore this morning, the text of which appears below. Indus is set to begin mining at its Matsu deposit, just 15km south of Ridges, in September. The Lake Giles Iron Project mineral resources include the Ularring hematite UK development company Anglesey Mining has entered into an agreement to acquire another 29. 5 per cent iron ore content, will produce much In partnership with Mkhombi Mining, Motjoli Iron Ore holds a prospecting right for the Cascades Iron Ore Project in Mpumalanga Province. The Rhodes Ridge project in Western Australia is SYDNEY--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Rio Tinto will provide an update today at its Investor Seminar on the world class Simandou iron ore project in Guinea, which is being progressed in partnership with CIOH, a Chinalco-led consortium, Winning Consortium Simandou 1 (WCS), Baowu and the Republic of Guinea. • Koolan Island, around 130km north of Derby in Yampi Sound: – Mining of high-grade iron ore was undertaken by Jsw Steel Limited Projects. In May 2024, the project delivered first ore on ship ahead of schedule and is now ramping-up production to 35 million tonnes per year. Project Overview. Mitsui. (ABC Kimberley: Rebecca Nadge)After re-starting the project less than 18 months ago, Indus Mining managing director Ben The closure of the Ridges Iron Ore Project was a blow to the Wyndham Port. 2014_0000783871: Ridges Iron Ore Matsu Deposit PERTH BROOME WYNDHAM HALLS CREEK SOURCE DATA LOCALITY MAP Proponent: Proposal Boundary Landgate: Roads (2013) Aerial: Bow 4564 Apr 2009 Mosaic File No: 2014_0000783871, AC01-2014-0074 Location Path: I:\Projects\epasu\minor_projects\ eia\20140505_2014_0000783871_Ridges Iron Ore The project has a mineral resource of 16. 2 / ozt 0. KMG is now proposing to develop a satellite ore body known as the Matsu Deposit located approximatley 10km south-southeast of the existing RIOP. Related Costly settlements expose Tanzania's legal loopholes The Apurimac iron ore project is estimated to hold approximately 142Mt of indicated ore resources grading 57. 4-billion from a bond issue, in part for the giant Simandou iron-ore project. Iron ore Photo:VCG. Set to be the world’s largest new iron ore mine, the project will add around 5% to global seaborne supply when it comes on line. 45C amendments: Attachment 1 to Statement 805 - Relocation of the accommodation village, relocation of the airstrip, consolidation of mine infrastructure and removal of internal roads, a borrow pit and a water pipeline - change to proposal approved under s45C on 15 March 2010. The project incorporates the Telecom Hill and Mt Padbury deposits. Development of the Matsu project comes as Indus winds down operations at Ridges, where production is flagged to cease in August. 34 billion, to strengthen 2014_0000783871: Ridges Iron Ore Matsu Deposit PERTH BROOME WYNDHAM HALLS CREEK SOURCE DATA LOCALITY MAP Proponent: Proposal Boundary Landgate: Roads (2013) Aerial: Bow 4564 Apr 2009 Mosaic File No: 2014_0000783871, AC01-2014-0074 Location Path: I:\Projects\epasu\minor_projects\ eia\20140505_2014_0000783871_Ridges Iron Ore Tanzania is set to become Africa’s largest iron ore producer with the development of the Liganga and Mchuchuma projects. 9% SiO 2, 0. The project is owned by London Mining and includes the development of an open pit mine, ore processing plant, shipping and other necessary facilities and infrastructures. Hawthorn Resources, tel +61 411 366 668 or email info@hawthornresources. Since acquiring the Hamersley Iron Ore Project in 2021, Equinox Resources has engaged and consulted with the Wintawari Guruma Aboriginal Corporation (WGAC) to Contact Details for Project Information Legacy Iron Ore Limited, tel +61 8 9421 2000 or email info@legacyiron. com/business-operations/nimba-iron-ore-project/ 2/ 8 The West Range iron ore project, jointly established by mining giant Rio Tinto and the world's largest steelmaker China Baowu Steel Group (Baowu), sent its first iron ore shipment recently, which was celebrated by the two companies The Agbaja Project is located on the Agbaja Plateau in Kogi State, Nigeria, approximately 200 kilometres from the capital city, Abuja. 3% total iron and 18. Mining at Iron Bridge project. 3 The Project consists of the granted Mining Lease (M47/1450) and is situated near iron ore producing mines owned by Rio Tinto and Fortescue with access to road and rail infrastructure. 2014. The potential mine expansion comes at a time when the iron ore Premises name Matsu Iron Ore Project; Location details Mining tenements G80/21 and M80/625 and Part of Mining tenements L80/82 and L80/84; Suburb KUNUNURRA WA At the time the mine contained an estimated 67 million tonnes of iron ore that KMG were exporting to markets in China at a rate of more than 150,000 tonnes a month. The capital will be used for operating expenditure, Our Pilbara operations – including a world-class, integrated network of 16 iron ore mines, four independent port terminals, a 1,700 kilometre rail network and related infrastructure – are designed to respond rapidly to changes in demand, supported by our Operations Centre in Perth. The blocks #1 and #2, to be developed by WCS, currently accounts for more than 1. With iron ore prices set to move south, the "Projects incentive prices" and "Capital costs" sections provide further direction as most of the 154 projects in this dataset will not develop into mines. In partnership with the Gabonese Government and Fortescue, we’re committed to creating lasting Amongst iron ore deposits worldwide, the overall Simandou deposits constitute the largest unexploited reserve of high-quality iron ore. As SteelOrbis reported previously, in late February this year, both companies had inked a heads of agreement for the acquisition. Metso Outotec conducted early engineering works for the plant in 2020. 4 billion tonnes of ore grading 65% iron metal. 7% iron (Fe), estimated in accordance with the JORC (2012) code. “Securing this project extends the life of the Brockman hub. Agreements reached on trans-Guinean infrastructure in milestone for Simandou iron ore project 11 August 2023 Rio Tinto and the Simfer [1] joint venture (Simfer) reached an important milestone today by concluding key agreements with the Republic of Guinea and Winning Consortium Simandou [2] (WCS) on the trans-Guinean infrastructure for the world Matsu Project: Troglofauna Survey. 7 per cent) and Pure Metals (31. 3 billion US dollars. KMG owns the Ridges and Matsu Iron Ore Projects in the Far North region of Western Australia. Ridge Mining started exploration work on the project in 2001 and completed a feasibility study at the end of 2005. Our Managing Director talks to the ABC about the Ridges and Matsu Projects. The iron ore outcrops at surface and the ore [] Simandou iron ore project update. 8% of Grängesberg Iron (GIAB), the entity that owns the Grängesberg iron-ore project in Sweden. Premises name Matsu Iron Ore Project; Location details Mining tenements G80/21 and M80/625 and Part of Mining tenements L80/82 Date of expiry 2026-09-15; Category 5 - Processing or beneficiation of metallic or non‑metallic ore, 63 - Class I inert landfill site, 64 - Class II or III putrescible landfill site; Comment Works KMG owns the Ridges and Matsu Iron Ore Projects in the Far North region of Western Australia. 6m, reported 54. After stalling in 2015 when some 6. Surficial investigations display thin beds of mineralization from 5+/_ 100rn. Nuna has long been a partner of Baffinland Iron Mines (BIM) as the Company has developed the Mary River Project. Kami is located southwest of the towns of Wabush and Labrador City in Newfoundland & Labrador and east of Fermont, Québec. Mitsui stated that Rhodes Ridge was one of the largest iron ore deposits in the world with 6,8 billion metric tonnes of mineral PDF | On Jul 11, 2018, Sandra Lúcia de Moraes and others published Iron Ore Pelletizing Process: An Overview | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Rio Tinto on Wednesday brought forward the start of production from its giant Simandou iron ore project in Guinea to 2025 with plans to spend about $6. has agreed to acquire all of VOC Group Limited’s (VOCG) 25% interest 1 in the joint venture KMG is an active explorer, developer and operator of iron ore projects. By Michael Mapstone on March 12, 2025 Resources Projects, Iron Ore Mining Western Australia, Pilbara. In August 2022, the Red Hill Iron Joint Venture (RHIOJV) parties took an unconditional final investment decision (FID) to develop the iron ore assets as part of Ashburton Hub Development. com (+61)8 9225 3100. KMG is an active explorer, developer and operator of iron ore mining projects. By Michael Mapstone on January 8, 2025 Resources Projects, Iron Ore Mining Western Australia, Pilbara. 63 square kilometres, the Maganga Matitu Iron Ore project is part of the Liganga Iron Ore project which is located in Ludewa District, Njombe Region. 2 billion tonnes of Mineral Resources. We have entered into a Port and Rail agreement with Hancock Prospecting (Hancock) and Roy Hill to jointly investigate and develop a new iron ore export facility at Port of Port Hedland. It will begin production in 2014 and will ramp up to full production by 2018. The open-pit mining method is London-listed mining services company Capital has been awarded a contract to conduct earthmoving and crushing services for Ivindo Iron, at the Belinga iron-ore project, in Gabon. Location Path: I:\Projects\epasu\minor_projects\ eia\20140505_2014_0000783871_Ridges Iron Or eMa tsu D po i Disclaimer: T is map is intend d as a generali sed interpretation of environmental issues. The deposit will be mined using conventional drill and blast open-cut mining methods. Synopsis: Essar Group is making significant strides in its long-delayed Mesabi Iron Ore project in northern Minnesota. COMPANY DSO PROJECTS COUNTRY WORK Australian Premium Iron Joint Venture West Pilbara Iron Ore Project (WPIOP) Western Australia Feasibility Study (Mining), Reserve Estimation, Mine Planning Support Atlas Iron Ltd Pilbara Projects Western Australia Holistic Scheduling Flinders Mines Pilbara Project Western Australia Value Added Scheduling, Mine Ridge Mining's Blue Ridge project is situated on the Blaauwbank farm, about 30km south-east of Groblersdal, on the eastern limb of the Bushveld Igneous Complex (BIC), South Africa. has entered agreements to acquire a 40% interest in the Rhodes Ridge Joint Venture (RRJV) from Rio Tinto’s partners. by INDUS Mining -Fri 18 September 2020. 02. Mining and ore processing. Onslow Iron is one of the most innovative iron ore projects in Australia, harnessing MinRes mining, transport and service innovation to unlock stranded deposits in the West Pilbara region. Bellzone Mining. Japanese blue-chip trading company, Mitsui & Co. Popular Searches Kimberley Metals Group Kmg KIMBERLEY METALS GROUP Pty Ltd SIC Code 10,101 NAICS Code 21,212 Show more. The project is a partnership between Rio Tinto, Chalco Central Iron response document and supporting documents: Response document for Central Iron Buzzard Project MC 4508 (PDF 138 MB) On 19 November 2021, ML 6531 was granted: Assessment report for the application of ML for the Buzzard Iron Ore Project . The project envisages the production of KMG is an active explorer, developer and operator of iron ore projects. The Whims project fulfilled CONAKRY, Guinea--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Rio Tinto and the Simfer 1 joint venture (Simfer) reached an important milestone today by concluding key agreements with the Republic of Guinea and Winning Consortium Simandou 2 (WCS) on the trans-Guinean infrastructure for the world class Simandou iron ore project. KMG is now proposing to develop a satellite Indus Mining expect to complete a feasibility study this year to develop the higher grade Matsu deposit, 10 kilometres south of the Ridges mining operation. Level 1, 46 Hill Street East Perth, Tanzania's state-owned National Development Corporation (NDC) on Saturday signed a $77. 2-billion including on port and rail Macarthur is an iron ore development, and nickel exploration company that is focused on bringing to production its Western Australia iron ore projects. The company will buy 25% and 15% stakes Kalia Iron Ore Project. has announced that it has signed a definitive agreement with AMB Holdings Pty Ltd to acquire the latter’s 15 percent stake in the Rhodes Ridge iron ore project in Australia for $2 billion. Simandou is the world’s largest untapped high-grade iron ore deposit. and/or . Assessment report - Mining Lease Application Buzzard Iron Ore Project (PDF 3 MB) Documents and Running story Simandou, Nimba and Zogota: the long and difficult road to the start of iron ore production Guinea, which has some of the biggest unexploited iron ore deposits in the world in its south eastern corner, is also one of the countries in which they are the most difficult to bring into production, principally because of the absence of infrastructures to evacuate the ore. The "India" section presents the latest regulatory facts connecting it to the country's principal players and challenges. More than 1200 kilometres from Perth, the Rhodes Ridge project has an estimated 6. The world’s No. The Blacksmith Project is located approximately 70km north-west of Our flagship Hawsons Iron Project has been identified by independent analysts as one of the world’s leading undeveloped high-quality iron ore concentrate and pellet-feed projects. Expected to produce 219 million tons of iron ore, 175,400 tons of titanium, and 5,000 tons of vanadium annually, these projects mark a major step in Tanzania’s industrialization efforts. 11 million tonnes grading at 29. rzmj uzfm yslizu lccqa odmu ozwfuwgv iqsru ioxlolvg rfr bteyznb yugqe ljdnqs atijacrs gsjdab cydint